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Lisinopril oral tablets dosage: A detailed guide

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Form and strengthsDosageHow it’s takenCouponFAQsOverdoseAsk your doctorBoxed warning
Lisinopril oral tablets are prescribed to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. They’re also used to lower the risk of death after having a heart attack. They’re taken by mouth once per day.
Medically reviewed by Victor Nguyen, PharmD, MBA
Updated on

This article describes lisinopril’s dosages and strengths and gives details on how it’s taken. You’ll also find information on cost savings and coupon options for lisinopril.

If you want to know more about lisinopril, see this overview article. It covers details about the drug’s uses, side effects, ways to save on cost, and more.

Boxed warning: Risk of fetal harm

Lisinopril has a boxed warning for a risk of fetal harm. Boxed warnings are serious warnings from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). See the end of this article for more information.

Form and strengths of lisinopril

Lisinopril oral tablets come as follows:

  • Form: a tablet that you swallow
  • Strengths:
    • 2.5 milligrams (mg)
    • 5 mg
    • 10 mg
    • 20 mg
    • 30 mg
    • 40 mg

Dosage of lisinopril

This article describes the usual recommended dosages* for lisinopril oral tablets in adults and certain children.

If your doctor prescribes this medication, they’ll determine the dosage that’s best for you. Do not change your dosage of lisinopril oral tablets without your doctor’s recommendation.

* The drugmaker provides these recommended dosages. If your doctor prescribes lisinopril, be sure to take the dosage they prescribe for you.

Usual recommended dosages of lisinopril in adults

Usually, doctors will start by prescribing a low dosage of lisinopril oral tablets. Then, they’ll adjust the dosage over time until the right dosage is reached. Ultimately, your doctor will prescribe the smallest dosage of lisinopril oral tablets that gives the desired outcome.

The information below describes dosages that are commonly prescribed for adults. That said, always take the dosage your doctor prescribes to you. Your doctor will determine the dosage that best meets your needs.

The table below summarizes the lisinopril dosages in milligrams (mg):

ConditionStarting dosageMaintenance dose rangeMaximum dosage
high blood pressure10 mg once per day20 mg to 40 mg once per day80 mg once per day
heart failure5 mg once per day5 mg to 40 mg once per day40 mg once per day
heart attack*• first dose: 5 mg taken once
• 24 hours after the first dose: 5 mg taken once
• 48 hours after the first dose: 10 mg taken once
10 mg once per day10 mg once per day

* In studies, lisinopril oral tablets were shown to reduce the risk of dying after having a heart attack.

Dosages of lisinopril in children

Lisinopril oral tablets are prescribed to treat high blood pressure in children ages 6 years and older. The dosage will depend on the child’s body weight in kilograms (kg). (For reference, 1 kg equals about 2.2 pounds [lb].)

Your child’s doctor will calculate your child’s dosage. They’ll round the calculated dosage to the nearest strength of lisinopril oral tablet that’s available.

The dosage for this use is as follows:

  • Starting dosage: The starting dosage is 0.07 mg per kg (mg/kg) once per day. This can go up to 5 mg once per day. If your child weighs 60 lb (about 27 kg), the calculated starting dose would be 1.89 mg. Your child’s doctor will likely round this dose up to a daily dose of 2.5 mg, because 2.5 mg is the lowest strength of lisinopril tablet that’s available.
  • Maintenance dosage: The maintenance dosage is usually determined by the child’s blood pressure.
  • Maximum dosage: The maximum dosage is 0.61 mg/kg once per day. This can go up to 40 mg once per day. If your child weighs 60 lb, the calculated maximum dose would be 16.47 mg. Your child’s doctor will likely round this dose down to a daily dose of 15 mg. This will require one 10-mg tablet and one 5-mg tablet per day.

Dosage adjustments for lisinopril

Your doctor will prescribe a dosage of lisinopril oral tablets based on several factors, including:

Your doctor may also adjust your lisinopril dosage if your kidney function changes during treatment.

Missed dose of lisinopril

Talk with your doctor or pharmacist about any missed doses of lisinopril oral tablets. They’ll recommend whether you should take the missed dose or skip it and take your next dose as scheduled.

For tips on how to plan your doses of lisinopril oral tablets and avoid missed doses, read this article. You could also try downloading a reminder app on your phone or setting an alarm.

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How lisinopril is taken

Lisinopril oral tablets are swallowed once per day. You may take lisinopril doses with or without food.

Lisinopril’s drugmaker hasn’t stated whether the tablets can be split, chewed, or crushed. If it’s hard for you to swallow tablets, view this article. It provides suggestions on how to swallow medications that come in pill form.

Also, be sure to talk with your doctor or pharmacist if you’re having difficulty taking your medication. They can offer recommendations about taking it.

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Frequently asked questions

Below are answers to some commonly asked questions about lisinopril oral tablets and dosages.

What’s the recommended dosage for lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)?

Lisinopril and HCTZ are commonly prescribed together to treat high blood pressure.

You can check out the “Dosage of lisinopril” section above to learn more about lisinopril’s usual recommended dosages for high blood pressure. If you’d like to learn about the dosage for HCTZ, read this article.

Talk with your doctor or pharmacist for more information about taking these drugs together.

Is there a lowest dose and ‘normal’ dose recommended for lisinopril?

Yes, there are recommended low doses and usual doses for lisinopril. These doses vary depending on the condition you’re taking lisinopril to treat and other factors. For example, to treat high blood pressure in children, the dosage would depend on the child’s weight. For more details, see the “Dosage of lisinopril” section above.

To learn more, talk with your pharmacist or doctor.

Is lisinopril taken long term?

Yes, doctors usually prescribe lisinopril oral tablets as a long-term treatment.

If you and your doctor determine that it’s safe and effective for your condition, you’ll likely take it long term.

Overdose of lisinopril

It’s important that you do not take more lisinopril oral tablets than your doctor prescribes. Doing so can lead to serious side effects. (To learn more about possible side effects of lisinopril, read this article.)

You can review the recommended lisinopril dosages in the “Dosage of lisinopril” section above.

Symptoms of lisinopril overdose

Symptoms caused by an overdose of lisinopril oral tablets can include those related to low blood pressure. If you have questions about the overdose symptoms of lisinopril, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.

What to do in case you take too much lisinopril

If you think you’ve taken too much lisinopril, call your doctor or pharmacist right away. Or you could call 800-222-1222 to speak with someone at America’s Poison Centers. You can also use its online resource. If you have severe symptoms, call 911 or a local emergency number immediately. You can also go to the closest emergency room.

What to ask your doctor

This article describes the usual recommended dosages for lisinopril oral tablets. If your doctor prescribes this medication, they’ll determine the dosage that’s best for you.

Do not change your dosage of lisinopril oral tablets without your doctor’s recommendation. You should take lisinopril oral tablets exactly as your doctor prescribes. Check out the recommended dosages in the “Dosage of lisinopril” section above.

Let your doctor know if you have concerns or questions about your treatment plan.

Here’s a list of some possible questions you may want to ask your doctor:

  • Is my risk of side effects from lisinopril higher if you increase my dosage?
  • Based on my other medical conditions, should you prescribe me a lower lisinopril dose?
  • If the highest lisinopril dosage isn’t effective for treating my condition, what are my treatment options?
  • How will we monitor whether my prescribed lisinopril dosage is working for my condition?

Boxed warning: Risk of fetal harm

Lisinopril has a boxed warning for a risk of fetal harm. Boxed warnings are serious warnings from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, including lisinopril, are known to cause fetal harm if taken during pregnancy. Due to this risk, doctors won’t prescribe lisinopril or other ACE inhibitors to pregnant people.

If you become pregnant while taking lisinopril, immediately stop taking the drug and call your doctor.

If you have more questions about this warning, talk with your doctor.

Disclaimer: Optum Perks has made every effort to make certain that all information is factually correct, comprehensive, and up to date. However, this article should not be used as a substitute for the knowledge and expertise of a licensed healthcare professional. You should always consult your doctor or another healthcare professional before taking any medication. The drug information contained herein is subject to change and is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. The absence of warnings or other information for a given drug does not indicate that the drug or drug combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for all patients or all specific uses.

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