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Is trazodone for dogs the same as for humans?

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Trazodone is approved to treat depression in humans. But veterinarians also use it off-label to treat anxiety in dogs. A person should only take or administer medication as prescribed by a professional.
Medically reviewed by Vincent J. Tavella DVM, MPH
Written by Suan Pineda
Updated on

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved trazodone to treat depression in humans. This means the FDA determined that trazodone is safe and effective when used for this purpose. Veterinarians now also recommend the medication to calm dogs before vet visits and examinations.

While the trazodone that humans take is the same medication as that given to dogs, there are differences in the way healthcare professionals prescribe it that you should consider.

Trazodone uses 

A person lying on a bed with their dog, wondering if dog trazodone is the same os that for humans.
Photography by Maskot/Getty Images

Trazodone is a generic medication that belongs to a class of drugs called serotonin modulators. It increases the amount of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is a substance that helps regulate many functions in your body, including mood. 

In people, trazodone has FDA approval to treat depression, but doctors also prescribe it to treat other conditions, such as:

Trazodone has a black-box warning from the FDA, which indicates that it has potentially dangerous side effects. Serious adverse effects of trazodone include suicidal thoughts and panic attacks. Trazodone is a prescription medication, and you should only take it as directed by a healthcare or mental health professional. 

Trazodone’s use in dogs is a bit different. Veterinarians started to use trazodone off-label in dogs to deal with anxiety-related behaviors. Off-label medication use is common in veterinary medicine, and vets still need to follow strict laws and regulations to ensure its safety.

Events that cause stress in dogs can trigger anxiety behaviors, such as whining, barking, trembling, shedding, and panting. Possible triggers include vet visits, air travel, separation from their owners, and fireworks or thunderstorms. 

Trazodone for dogs is usually safe and well-tolerated. Some 2016 research suggests that trazodone reduces stress behaviors in hospitalized dogs. A 2017 study also found that trazodone is effective in reducing behavioral stress and anxiety and is overall well-tolerated with few side effects.

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Key differences

Trazodone for dogs and humans is a generic prescription medication that doesn’t have a brand-name version.

Experts caution against giving medications prescribed for humans to dogs and medications prescribed for dogs to humans. This is due to the dosage differences and possible formulation differences.

Keep in mind that trazodone has a black-box warning from the FDA, which means it can lead to serious adverse effects. A healthcare professional will closely monitor your treatment. 

Trazodone comes in tablet form in different strengths: 50 milligrams (mg), 100 mg, 150 mg, and 300 mg. The dosage varies depending on the condition it’s prescribed to treat, your age, and other underlying health conditions you may have. People are usually prescribed a dosage of 150 mg per day in divided doses. The maximum dosage is 400 mg per day. 

In dogs, the dosage varies depending on the weight of the dog, which varies according to its size and breed. The dosage for dogs is usually 1.7 to 19.5 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, divided into doses up to every 8 hours.

You can try wrapping the tablet or capsule in a soft food so your pup can take it down more easily. 

Vets often prescribe trazodone in combination with gabapentin, an anticonvulsant, to ease anxiety and chronic pain in dogs. Another common combination is trazodone with tramadol

However, some medications could cause serious side effects if taken together with trazodone. Always consult with your prescribing veterinarian to confirm it is safe for your dog to take trazodone.

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Trazodone alternatives

If your dog is allergic to trazodone or you’d prefer to use another medication to address anxiety symptoms in your dog, there are some alternatives. These include:

Make sure to talk with your dog’s vet about your options and which medication and treatments are best to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety in your dog. 

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Trazodone is a generic prescription medication approved to treat depression in people. Healthcare professionals also prescribe it to treat other conditions like anxiety and insomnia.

However, veterinarians have been using the medication off-label to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety in dogs. These symptoms can be due to air travel, fireworks, vet visits, or separation.

Trazodone has the same active ingredient for humans as it does for dogs. But you should not give trazodone to your dog unless a vet prescribes it, and you should not take trazodone that a vet prescribes for your dog. 

Keep in mind that trazodone has a black-box warning for human use because it has potentially dangerous adverse effects. If you have panic attacks or thoughts of suicide while taking the medication, reach out to a mental health professional immediately.

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