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How to compare drug prices

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How to compareOptum Perks toolMedication costTipsSummary
Comparing medication prices with the right tools is key to cutting costs. You can look for discount cards and coupons, or you can use drug cost calculators.
Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI
Written by Suan Pineda
Updated on

Looking for the best deals on medications can be a challenging task because of the many factors to consider, like:

  • insurance coverage
  • discounts and coupons
  • market availability and demand
  • the area of the country in which you live

It’s useful to compare medication prices even when you have an insurance plan that helps cover some of your drug costs.

How to compare prescription costs

Older male adult pharmacist helping a female in a pharmacy showing her how to compare drug prices
Photography by Dusanpetkovic/Getty Images

One of the best ways to compare medication prices is to use a drug cost estimator tool. Also known as drug price calculators, these are online tools that help you search for specific medications in and around the area you live.

The tools may list the prices in different pharmacies, as well as any available discounts and coupons.

Health insurance companies, nonprofits, health marketplaces, pharmacies, and health websites all offer their own versions of drug cost estimators. The results may vary, but they’re all similar in how they work.

To use a drug cost estimator, if you have insurance, you could use the company’s online tool or a specialized site, like Optum Perks.

Some tools allow you to search for your medication by name and input specific information, such as dosage and quantity, as well as your ZIP code, to see results.

You’ll typically see a list of pharmacies — physical and online — and other retailers, along with the medication’s price and any available discounts and coupons.

The prices may change and may not always be the exact amount you’d have to pay, but these tools can give you an approximation of how much the medication would cost.

Other factors that can affect final costs may include:

  • any applicable charges relating to insurance coverage
  • discounts
  • help from assistance programs
  • location
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About Optum Perks pharmacy coupon tool and how to use it 

Optum Perks has an online tool that can help you compare medication prices. To use it:

  • Visit the Optum Perks website
  • Type the name of the medication you’re looking for, and click “Find best price.”
  • You’ll then see dropdown menus that allow you to select options, including:
    • manufacturer (generic or brand names)
    • form (tablet, capsule, liquid, etc.)
    • dosage 
    • quantity

Once you’ve completed this information, you will see a list of results detailing the retailer’s name, the price, and a coupon button. 

The first result listed is the best price the tool could find at the moment of your search.

You can also compare drug costs on the Optum Perks app, which is available for iOS and Android

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Optum Perks Discount Card

Optum Perks also has a prescription Discount Card, which can provide the same savings on prescription medications.

Optum Perks negotiates directly with retail pharmacies to lower medication costs, and the card scouts the web for coupons and automatically applies them when you use the card.

Depending on the coupons and discounts available, the savings can vary from day to day. But the Optum Perks Discount Card can save you up to 80% on the price of prescription medications. 

So, download the free Optum Perks Discount Card to save up to 80% on many prescription medications.

What can affect the costs of medications?

Many factors determine the costs of medications, such as:  

  • newly launched medications 
  • uneven and inadequate competition
  • the interplay and cost control between health insurance companies, retailers, and manufacturers
  • changing demand and supply
  • research and development costs 

Tips for finding the best costs for your prescriptions

The cost of medications keeps increasing. But you can take some steps to lower their cost.

  • If you have health insurance, check your plan’s drug formulary (drug list) to see if it covers your medication. You can also check to see how much your out-of-pocket costs are likely to be.
  • Always check for a generic drug version.
  • Use different drug cost estimator tools and check different websites for variations in prices.
  • Look at the price you’d pay for the drug under your insurance plan compared with buying it at retail with a coupon or prescription discount card.


Amid the increasing prices of prescription medications, choosing where and how to buy them can seem challenging.

It’s important to compare medication costs among different pharmacies and physical and online retailers. To do this, online tools like drug cost estimators can help you gather all of the information in one place.

You will then have an overview of the available prices near you. 

When comparing the price of medication, consider factors like your health insurance coverage, shipping costs, generic vs. brand-name options, and available discounts and coupons.

Download the free Optum Perks Discount Card to save up to 80% on some prescription medications.

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