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How long does it take for mupirocin to work?

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What it isHow soon it worksHow to know it worksHow to useAlternative medsSummary
Generally, you can expect your symptoms to improve within 3–5 days of starting treatment with mupirocin. You may need to use it for longer, though.
Medically reviewed by Alisha D. Sellers, BS Pharmacy, PharmD
Updated on

Mupirocin is a topical antibiotic that treats bacterial infections on your skin. It is fast-acting, and you may see your symptoms resolve within days. 

What is mupirocin?

Woman applying mupirocin cream on the arm to quickly resolve a rash
andreswd/Getty Images

Mupirocin is a generic medication that belongs to the monocarboxylic acid antibiotic class. It can treat bacterial skin infections, although it is generally used against Staphylococcus aureus (staph) or Streptococcus pyogenes (strep) bacteria. 

Specifically, mupirocin is used to treat:

  • Impetigo: A contagious bacterial infection of the outer layers of the skin. 
  • Secondary skin infections: Bacterial infections related to traumatic skin lesions, like burns, cuts, or wounds. 

Mupirocin is available as an ointment or cream. Ointments have a higher oil content than water, while creams contain more water than oil.

Mupirocin cream comes in the generic form only, but mupirocin ointment can be found as a generic drug or under the brand name Centany. The other brand name, “Bactroban,” is now discontinued.

All forms of mupirocin are available by prescription only, so you must talk with a healthcare professional who can prescribe it.

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How soon does it work?

How quickly mupirocin works may vary depending on factors like your condition and the severity of your symptoms.

Your symptoms should improve within 3–5 days after using Centany, a mupirocin ointment. 

For mild cases of impetigo or minor skin infections, you’ll typically need to apply mupirocin cream or ointment three times per day for up to 10 days.

Even if you believe mupirocin has resolved your symptoms within the first few days, it’s important to complete the entire course of treatment as prescribed by your healthcare professional. This helps prevent antibiotic resistance and ensures all infectious bacteria are removed. 

If you stop mupirocin as soon as it starts working, there’s a chance you’ll get a new and stronger infection shortly after.

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How to know mupirocin is working

A sign that mupirocin is effectively treating your bacterial skin infection is an improvement in your symptoms.

For example, you will have less redness, swelling, and pain in the infected areas.

These effects may not be immediate, and patience is key. Even if you don’t notice any improvement during the first days, it doesn’t mean mupirocin is not working.

If your symptoms worsen or don’t improve within 5 days of starting treatment with mupirocin ointment or cream, the bacteria causing your skin infection may be resistant to the medication. Your healthcare professional can switch your medication to a different antibiotic.

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How to use mupirocin properly

To effectively treat bacterial skin conditions with mupirocin, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends that you: 

  • Clean the affected area: Before applying mupirocin, gently wash the affected skin with gentle soap and warm water, then pat it dry.
  • Apply a thin layer: Use a clean cotton swab or your clean fingertip to apply a thin layer of mupirocin to the affected area. Avoid using excessive amounts. You may leave mupirocin on indefinitely or until the next application time.
  • Cover: If a healthcare professional recommends it, you may cover the treated area with a sterile bandage or dressing to help prevent the infection from being transmitted to other parts of your body or to other people. 
  • Wash your hands: After applying mupirocin, wash your hands thoroughly for at least 30 seconds to prevent transmission of the infection.
  • Only apply mupirocin to your skin: This drug is not meant for use in your eyes, nose, mouth, or genitals.
  • Avoid scratching: Infections may cause itching, but try to avoid scratching since this can damage your skin further.

Certain factors may reduce the effectiveness of mupirocin or prevent it from working altogether. These include:

  • not following the instructions from your prescribing doctor 
  • the bacteria strains causing the infection are resistant to mupirocin
  • not storing the medication according to the packaging instructions

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Alternative medications

You may need to use different medications if you experience side effects from mupirocin.

According to a Centany label, these may include: 

  • Systemic allergic reactions: This includes swelling or a rash in different areas of the body from where you applied mupirocin. Severe and potentially life threatening allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) involving breathing difficulties.
  • Location irritation: This can include severe itching or irritation where you applied the medication.
  • Diarrhea: Treatment with antibiotics may cause a type of diarrhea called Clostridium difficile (CDAD), where the healthy bacteria in your gut is affected. 
  • Fungal infections: Prolonged use of antibiotics may lead to the growth of other microorganisms like fungi. 

If you experience any side effects, talk with a doctor to discuss alternative medications. They may prescribe another topical antibiotic, such as retapamulin (Altabax).

You may also need an alternative treatment for a more severe or widespread bacterial infection. Oral antibiotics like cephalexin (Keflex) and dicloxacillin (Dynapen) may be recommended in these cases.

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Mupirocin is a topical antibiotic used to treat bacterial skin infections. It typically begins to work within 3–5 days. Consider consulting a doctor if your symptoms don’t improve within this period or if they get worse.

To ensure all the infectious bacteria are eradicated and to prevent antibiotic resistance, it’s essential to complete the entire course of your treatment as prescribed — even if you think mupirocin is working quicker than expected. 

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