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How long does HPV last in men?

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DurationSymptomsTreatment and preventionSummary
Human papillomavirus (HPV) in males tends to last up to 2 years. The infection usually presents without symptoms, so it’s important to get routine tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Medically reviewed by Tahirah Redhead MPAS, PA-C, MPH
Written by Suan Pineda
Updated on

HPV, the most common viral STI, can go undetected for years. In males, the infection rarely causes any symptoms, and the body can clear the infection by itself in a matter of months or years.

In the United States, 42.5 million people have an HPV infection, with almost half of them being men. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), men tend to have higher rates of HPV than women.

HPV in males is a bit different than in females. Learning more about these differences, including how long it lasts, can help you to identify and treat the condition most effectively.

Sex and gender exist on a spectrum. We use the terms men and women in this article to refer to people assigned male and female at birth, respectively, and to reflect language used in source materials.

How long does HPV last in men? 

A young couple lying on a mattress in each other's arms, representing HPV in males and how long it lasts.
OR Images/Getty Images

HPV tends to go away on its own in most people. For 9 out of 10 people, the immune system clears the infection without leading to any serious health problems. In males, it takes up to 2 years to clear the infection. But during this time, the person can transmit the virus to their sexual partners. 

Men have higher rates of HPV than women but, according to some older 2014 research, the duration of HPV infection is about the same regardless of sex.

HPV is transmitted through sex, whether it’s vaginal, anal, or oral. A person can also transmit the virus through skin-to-skin contact. Because HPV presents little to no symptoms in most people, they can transmit the virus without knowing it.

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HPV is mostly asymptomatic. That is, most people don’t know they have the virus. There are more than 100 strains of HPV, and most don’t cause significant symptoms or long-term effects. Still, infection with certain high risk strains can sometimes cause some symptoms. 

In males, these symptoms include genital warts in the penis, anus, scrotum, testicles, groin, and sometimes in the mouth, tongue, or back of the throat.

HPV is linked with the development of different forms of cancer. In men, this can include penile or anal cancers, or head and neck cancers.

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Treatment and prevention

You cannot treat HPV. But you can prevent acquiring the virus through vaccination. The HPV vaccine can protect you from the most common types of HPV. 

According to the CDC, the HPV vaccine is recommended for:

  • preteens between the ages of 11 and 12 — some can even get the vaccine at 9 years old
  • people younger than 26 years old

People who are older than 26 years are not recommended to get the vaccine. This is because the likelihood of having already been exposed to the virus is higher and the vaccine provides fewer benefits. 

But people who are 27–45 years old and who haven’t been vaccinated should talk with a healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of getting the vaccine based on their unique needs and conditions. 

If you already have HPV, there’s no treatment for the infection itself but for the symptoms it causes. A healthcare professional can recommend and prescribe medications and remedies to treat genital or oral warts. Treatment for warts includes:

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HPV in males usually presents with no symptoms, and the body can clear the infection on its own. In males, the HPV can go away in up to 2 years. 

Men tend to have higher rates of HPV than women, but it is less likely to cause serious complications. If HPV does cause symptoms in males, these present as genital or oral warts.

If you’re sexually active, it’s recommended that you get routine tests for STIs. Because HPV is mostly asymptomatic, you may not notice you have the infection. If your body isn’t able to clear the infection and HPV is left untreated, it can lead to complications like anal cancer, penile cancer, and head and neck cancers in men. 

HPV can also be prevented through vaccination.

Talk with a healthcare professional about treatment options for your symptoms and whether you can get the vaccine if you’re older than 26.

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