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5 foods that can help reduce anxiety fast

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Dark chocolate Salmon YogurtOatsGreen teaFoods to avoid Alternative treatmentsMedicationSummary
Research shows that dietary changes can affect anxiety symptoms. Certain foods, such as salmon and dark chocolate, can help restore the body‘s psychological balance.
Medically reviewed by Ifeanyi Olele, DO, MBA, MS
Updated on

Anxiety is a mental health condition where an individual experiences worry that can feel all-consuming and affect their quality of life.

Several treatment methods, as well as dietary changes, can help you manage anxiety symptoms.

A 2018 study found a link between a balanced diet, improved mood, and fewer anxious thoughts. The study‘s authors reported that a balanced diet and probiotics could improve healthy bacteria in the gut, which plays a vital role in helping to manage anxiety. 

Several foods and drinks can help to reduce anxiety fast, including the following:

Dark chocolate 

Several broken bars of dark chocolate with chilli powder on top of it.
Ina Peters/Stocksy United

Plant compounds in dark chocolate act as antioxidants, protecting brain cells from damage and increasing blood flow to the brain. This may help people cope with stressful situations.

A 2022 study suggests that dark chocolate consumption can help boost your overall mood and help with positive gut changes.


Salmon is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. A 2018 review reported that diets rich in omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids may help to prevent symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. However, more research is needed.

Fatty acids have multiple benefits, such as:

  • reducing inflammation
  • supporting brain function
  • decreasing stress levels

Salmon also contains vitamin D, which promotes brain health and specifically boosts the brain’s resilience to mood disorders, according to a 2020 study.


According to a 2018 study, a diet containing probiotics (found in foods such as yogurt) may support mood imbalances and help relieve anxiety. You can achieve healthy gut flora from foods like yogurt and kefir or probiotic supplements. 

Another benefit of yogurt is its high amount of calcium and vitamin D, which can help boost the body’s defense against depression and anxiety.


Oats are a healthy way to add fiber for a more balanced diet and better gut health. Though more data is needed, authors of a 2021 study reported a link between a high fiber diet and a reduction in symptoms of psychological distress. 

Fiber helps feed healthy bacteria in the gut, creating a microbiome that defends against psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Green tea

In addition to its powerful antioxidant properties, green tea contains an anxiety-busting amino acid called L-theanine. 

A 2016 study found that those who drank an L-theanine-based beverage, comparable to green tea, reported feeling less stress and had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their body.

The study concluded that L-theanine may increase neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which can reduce anxiety.

Foods to avoid with anxiety

Research shows that consuming sugary foods and drinks can increase mood disorders, including anxiety.

This includes the following foods:

  • cakes
  • pastries
  • ice cream
  • candy

Healthcare professionals also recommend avoiding or limiting alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods as they put additional stress on the body, which can increase anxiety.

Consider avoiding or limiting these foods and drinks to determine whether this decreases your anxiety levels.

Alternative treatments

A 2018 review suggests a connection between stimulation of the vagus nerve — the parasympathetic nervous system’s main component — and reducing anxiety symptoms. 

Most people consider yoga and meditation beneficial in reducing mood and anxiety disorders as they have been found to tone the vagus nerve. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy can also help people manage their thoughts.

Medication options

Healthcare professionals may prescribe medication to provide relief from long-term anxiety symptoms. Studies show that medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can change brain chemistry to help ease symptoms of anxiety and depression.  

Examples of these medications include:

Consider speaking with a healthcare professional to discuss whether medication for anxiety may be right for you.

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Anxiety is a chronic condition that a person may be able to manage through various lifestyle changes. These include eating a well-balanced diet containing foods like yogurt, oats, and salmon.

If anxiety symptoms affect your daily life, consider speaking with a healthcare professional to identify a suitable treatment plan.

Download the free Optum Perks Discount Card to save up to 80% on some prescription medications.

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