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Depression with Moderate to Severe Anxiety

Depression with Moderate to Severe Anxiety

Here are ways to help your child deal with shyness: Do not correct or embarrass your child in front of other people when they act shy. Encourage your child to join in activities. Tell them about the good things that happen when you play and meet other children. Do not force them to do this. Let your child take part in activities when they feel ready. You may give some rewards to encourage your child. Give your child games or toys that can be shared with other kids. Help your child with what to say. Practice with your child. Shyness does not go away quickly. This will take time. Talk to your child's teachers or caregivers. Talk honestly with your child about who they want to play with. Shyness vs Anxiety Sometimes, shyness can become too much. It can start to get in the way with the things your child often does every day. This may mean it is more than just shyness. It may be an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is normal when a child is in an upsetting time and place or is not sure about things. Each child goes through this time in their life. With an anxiety disorder, a child has too much fear, panic, and worry. This may make a child want to stop going to places and meeting other people. There are three types of anxiety disorder often found in children. These are: General anxiety disorder − Being scared all the time that something bad is going to happen. Your child may have a stomachache or headache. Social anxiety − Fear of people thinking bad things about them when they are in social settings. This happens most often with children ages 11 or 12 years. Separation anxiety disorder − Anxiety about leaving home or about the people they care about leaving them. It is OK to let your child go through these feelings. But, too much shyness and anxiety can also be a problem. This could cause problems for your child's whole life. This includes family, school, sleep, eating, and everything about their health. Here are some things you may do to help your child. Look for signs and know about how your child is feeling. Stay calm. Do not get upset if your child all of a sudden becomes nervous. Give your child praise when going through times that are hard. Find things that comfort your child. Anxiety disorders can be cared for in many ways. Doctors may use drugs and cognitive-behavior therapy or exposure therapy. Cognitive-behavior therapy − Your child is encouraged to talk about their fears, anxieties, and worries. The doctor will talk with your child until the doctor understands the thoughts or feelings that cause what your child is doing. Exposure therapy − The doctor will help your child talk about a hurtful time or place, sad memory, or something they are afraid of. The doctor will help your child deal with the feelings that may happen. Your child may learn how to cope with times, places, or thoughts they don't want by learning about the things they are afraid of.

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