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What to eat when you are feeling nauseous

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What to eatWhat not to eatWhen to see a doctorNausea medsSummary
If you have nausea, you may want to choose a bland diet of easy-to-digest foods and beverages like broths and low fat dairy. Avoiding spicy, fatty, and sweet meals may also help.
Medically reviewed by Ami Patel PharmD, BCPS
Written by Uxshely Carcamo
Updated on

Nausea is when you feel you are going to be sick to your stomach. You may experience lightheadedness, upper stomach pressure, and gag reflexes.

Many things may cause nausea, including:

  • anxiety and stress
  • motion sickness
  • food poisoning
  • stomach flu and other gut infections
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • acid reflux and heartburn
  • pregnancy
  • migraine
  • chemotherapy and other cancer treatments
  • some medications
  • health conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, gallbladder disease, or ulcers in your stomach

Nausea may be occasional and temporary or persistent and long lasting. Depending on the cause, lifestyle strategies such as eating habits may offer some relief. Sometimes, additional support from a healthcare professional may be helpful.

What to eat to relieve nausea

A boiled egg and toast to eat when nauseous
Rebecca Spencer/Stocksy United

If you are feeling nauseous, focusing on eating pureed and bland foods may be helpful.

Examples of bland meals may include:

  • low fat dairy products like yogurt and cottage cheese
  • boiled eggs
  • broths
  • caffeine-free teas
  • 100% fruit juices (no added sugar)
  • bland vegetables like beets, spinach, and carrots
  • lean meats like boiled or baked fish and skinless chicken
  • canned or fresh fruits (if tolerated)
  • tofu
  • cream of wheat
  • crackers
  • white rice
  • plain noodles
  • boiled, baked, or unseasoned mashed potatoes
  • pudding
  • salt and cinnamon (if tolerated)

Bland diets are a temporary solution, though. If your nausea does not improve after a couple of days, you may want to consult a healthcare professional.

The American Cancer Society also suggests eating foods you crave or that sound like a good idea to you. Your body will give you hints about what can soothe nausea.

The Arthritis Foundation recommends eating small but frequent portions if you have nausea.

Some research suggests that ginger products may be helpful for some cases of nausea. But study findings about the benefits of ginger for nausea are inconclusive, and relief may vary individually.

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What not to eat when you have nausea

Avoiding raw or uncooked foods may be the number one recommendation if you have nausea. Also, you may want to avoid:

  • fried foods like bacon, sausages, french fries, potato chips, or fried eggs
  • spicy food or hot sauce
  • nuts and seeds
  • acidic fruits such as grapes, oranges, lemons, and berries
  • whole-grain bread
  • whole dairy products (full fat)
  • red meats
  • dressings, sauces, and pickled foods
  • pepper, chili powder, onions, and seasoning mixtures
  • alcohol, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks
  • sweet foods such as donuts and syrup
  • vegetables that may bloat you, such as cabbage and cauliflower

The American Cancer Society suggests not skipping meals or fasting.

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When to see a doctor  

If your nausea is severe and persistent, you may want to explore the underlying causes with a healthcare professional, particularly if you notice other symptoms such as recurrent vomiting, diarrhea, or dizziness.

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Medications for nausea

Depending on what causes your nausea, a healthcare team may recommend one or more treatments.

For example, if anxiety or stress causes your symptoms, they may recommend psychotherapy and anti-anxiety medications.

For some people, antiemetic medication (drugs explicitly used to treat nausea) may relieve symptoms.

Anti-nausea medications may include:

Only a healthcare professional may recommend the proper treatment for your symptoms and their cause. Taking medications without knowing what causes persistent nausea is not advised.

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When you are nauseous, a bland diet of unseasoned cooked foods may help relieve your symptoms. Pureed food, noncaffeinated drinks, and low fat options are recommended for nausea. You may also want to avoid fatty, spicy, and sweet foods.

If your nausea persists or worsens, a healthcare professional may help you determine the cause and proper treatment.

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