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What not to take with Benadryl

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AlcoholAntihistaminesAntidepressantsMelatoninSafe medications
Benadryl is an over-the-counter (OTC) medication used for treating certain conditions, including allergies. Benadryl can interact with other medications and particular supplements.
Medically reviewed by Philip Ngo, PharmD
Updated on

Benadryl (the branded form of diphenhydramine) is an antihistamine medication that people use to treat seasonal allergies, the common cold, and other allergic reactions that can cause itchiness and irritation. Benadryl can interact with several medications and supplements, such as antidepressants and melatonin.

When a medication interacts with another drug or supplement, people can develop undesired side effects. Interaction can also reduce the efficacy of certain medications, such as antidepressants, or change the way they act on the body, potentially causing the opposite intended drug effect.

1. Alcohol

Pink pills scattered across a blue background to show medications that you should not take with Benadryl.
Lauren Lee/Stocksy United

If you are taking diphenhydramine (Benadryl), you should not drink any alcohol. This is because alcohol and Benadryl may interact and make you feel drowsier than usual. Consuming alcohol while taking Benadryl may increase the risk of developing side effects, such as:

  • dizziness
  • confusion
  • reduced breathing rate
  • movement difficulties

If you regularly take Benadryl, it is best to contact a doctor to find out whether it’s safe for you to drink alcohol and when you can consume it without having a higher risk of side effects.

2. Other antihistamines

Benadryl is a type of first-generation (H1) antihistamine. This means that alongside blocking histamine in your body, it can also pass the blood-brain barrier and enter your brain.

You should never take Benadryl alongside other H1 antihistamine drugs. Taking different types of antihistamines at the same time can increase the risk of developing the drugs’ side effects or experiencing an overdose.

People should avoid using Benadryl together with one of the following antihistamine medications unless directed to by a healthcare professional:

If the benefit outweighs the risk, it may be possible to combine these medications, but only a healthcare professional will determine that.

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3. Antidepressants

There are many different kinds of antidepressants, and some of them can interact with Benadryl and other antihistamines. For example, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) mixed with antihistamines may increase the side effects of either, including constipation, dry mouth, and confusion. Examples of these include:

Some 2022 research found that diphenhydramine (Benadryl) can increase the side effects of different antidepressants, including:

The study also noted that older research suggested that diphenhydramine affects the metabolism of venlafaxine (Effexor). So it’s likely that Benadryl increases the concentration of antidepressants in your blood, meaning the risk of side effects is higher.

Drowsiness is a common side effect of different kinds of antidepressants. Taking antidepressant medications and Benadryl can increase the sedative effects of both medications.

Doctors can recommend how to take antidepressants and Benadryl to prevent increasing your risk of side effects. They can also advise about other alternative drugs that can replace Benadryl or your antidepressant medication that have a lower chance of interaction.

4. Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that your brain naturally produces. Melatonin increases sleepiness and promotes your sleep. It is available in the form of supplements that people often take when they have trouble sleeping or if they have a sleeping disorder.

Increased drowsiness is a common side effect people experience when taking Benadryl. Taking Benadryl with melatonin supplements can cause excessive sleepiness, making it difficult to perform daily tasks.

Melatonin has a moderate risk of interaction with Benadryl, and doctors do not typically recommend taking both medications at the same time, as well as other supplements that may make you more sleepy than usual. If you take Benadryl, it is best to speak with a doctor before taking melatonin.

Safe medications

Taking OTC medications, provided they are not antihistamines, is typically safe if you are using Bendaryl. But if you have any concerns about taking a new medication while using Benadryl, you can contact a doctor and ask them if it is safe for you to do so.

OTC medications such as ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) do not show any particular interaction with Benadryl, but there are some known interactions with prescription drugs containing these active ingredients.

Doctors and pharmacists can discuss with you the safety of taking Benadryl in combination with other drugs.


Benadryl is an antihistamine drug used for treating the common cold, seasonal allergies, and other allergic reactions that cause itching and irritation. You should never take Benadryl while consuming alcohol, as this can increase drowsiness and the risk of developing other side effects.

Benadryl is known for interacting with a variety of drugs and supplements, such as antidepressants and melatonin. Taking Benadryl with these medications can increase the risk of mutual side effects and reduce the effects of both drugs.

If you have any concerns about whether it is safe for you to take a new medication while you use Benadryl, you can contact a doctor. They can recommend how to take your medications and advise you about alternative treatment options that may have a lower risk of interaction.

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