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Which erectile dysfunction drug is best?

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ViagraCialisVardenafilWhich is best?Summary
Erectile dysfunction can be a difficult condition to experience, but many different medications are available to help. The type you prefer will depend on your individual needs.
Medically reviewed by Ami Patel PharmD, BCPS
Written by D. M. Pollock
Updated on

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can happen as a result of a variety of causes, including stress and alcohol consumption. It is often temporary and may go away once you reduce your stress or stop drinking alcohol (if you drink).

You may also experience ED due to a health condition such as diabetes or obesity. If you experience ED frequently, a doctor can help address the underlying cause and may recommend medication to help relieve your symptoms. These can include drugs or herbal remedies.

These drugs are prescription-only, meaning you have to speak with a doctor and get a diagnosis before taking any ED medication. This is important, as a doctor may be able to identify possible causes for your symptoms, as well as prescribe medication to relieve them.

A doctor can also safely prescribe these medications and make sure they don’t affect another condition you may have or interact with any other medications you may be taking.

Medications affect everyone differently, so there is no one drug that will be best for treating ED. But knowing more about the options out there can help you make a decision that’s right for you.

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Viagra is a common branded medication for treating ED. It contains the active ingredient sildenafil, which treats high blood pressure in your lungs (pulmonary hypertension) as well as ED.

Sildenafil belongs to the group of medications known as phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE5-I) and has approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of ED. Viagra tablets come in dosages of 25 milligrams (mg), 50 mg, and 100 mg. The dosage a doctor prescribes you will depend on your specific needs.

According to research from 2021, sildenafil medications of 50 mg and 100 mg were more effective at managing symptoms of ED than a placebo alternative.

Sildenafil taken on-demand (before you wish to experience an erection) is effective for up to 70% of people. This is because Viagra is fast-acting, taking effect after around 30 minutes.

However, it is only effective for up to 4 months at a time, so it is not a suitable long-term treatment for ED.

As with any medication, you may notice some side effects while taking Viagra. These include:

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Cialis is another ED medication, but this one contains the active ingredient tadalafil, which is also a PDE5-I. This drug works by increasing the blood flow to your penis. Like sildenafil, tadalafil is also a treatment for high blood pressure as well as enlargement of the prostate gland.

Some people prefer Cialis as it is more suitable for longer treatment. This is because you can take a lower dose of Cialis, and it will still be effective in treating ED. It is available in doses of:

  • 2.5 mg
  • 5 mg
  • 10 mg
  • 20 mg

There are also risks of side effects with Cialis, including:

  • stuffy nose
  • hot flashes
  • headaches
  • pain in your limbs
  • back pain
  • muscle pain
  • indigestion


As with Cialis, vardenafil works by increasing the blood flow to your penis. It contains the active ingredient vardenafil, another type of PDE5-I. The key difference is that vardenafil is a generic medication. It was previously sold under the brand Levitra, but this is no longer available.

One benefit to vardenafil is that it is available in two forms, one as a tablet you swallow and another as a fast-dissolving tablet that you place under your tongue. The tablets are available in 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg. The oral disintegrating tablet is available in 10 mg.

According to 2021 clinical research on different PDE5 inhibitors, vardenafil is effective in helping manage symptoms of ED.

If you take any type of PDE5-I, you have around 40% chance of experiencing mild side effects. Some of these can include:

  • dizziness
  • flushing
  • low blood pressure
  • indigestion

Vardenafil specifically can also cause headaches and rhinitis, which is inflammation inside your nose.

Which is best?

There is no single ED medication that is better than the others. The best ED medication is the one that works best for you, depending on your needs and lifestyle demands.

Currently, there is very little clinical research comparing the effects of different PDE5-I medications, but some may work better for you than others.

One 2021 review suggested that higher doses of sildenafil (Viagra) might be slightly more effective than other PDE5-I drugs, but these are associated with more side effects, leading people to stop taking them. The review concluded that all the drugs are effective and safe, but more research is needed to compare them.

Some 2017 research compared tadalafil (Cialis) and sildenafil (Viagra) and found that they were similar in effectiveness and safety. However, patients preferred Cialis, so this may be a better option for many people.

Also, the medication most appropriate for you will depend on the cause of your symptoms. For example, if you are experiencing high levels of stress, a doctor may recommend Viagra to relieve your symptoms whilst you work on trying to manage your stress more effectively. This is because Viagra is a short-term medication that works quickly.

Vardenafil is available as a dissolving medication, which you may find easier to take than an oral tablet.

Finally, vardenafil is a generic medication that is likely to be cheaper than the branded Viagra or Cialis. But you can note that Viagra and Cialis are also available in a generic form.

The right medication for you may also depend on any medications you are currently taking. This is because certain ED medications can interact with other drugs.

Vardenafil is one example. A doctor will likely advise anyone taking type 1A or type I3 anti-arrhythmia medications to avoid this drug.

If you are taking medication for high blood pressure, it is important to tell your doctor before receiving a prescription for ED medication.


ED is a common condition that can cause distress and may affect your self-esteem. However, various ED medications may help you. The best medication for you will depend on your lifestyle and individual requirements, such as your budget and the cause of your ED.

ED medications can help manage your symptoms but may not fix the cause of your ED.  

It’s important to always speak with a doctor before taking any new medications and inform them of any other medications you are taking.

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