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5 pressure points for anxiety

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YintangHeguShenmenBaihuiThree Yin Crossing Side effectsOther treatment optionsSummary
Acupressure is a form of traditional Chinese therapy that may help you manage anxiety symptoms. It involves stimulating certain pressure points on the body to relax your nervous system.
Medically reviewed by Kerry Boyle D.Ac., M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. Ac., CYT
Written by D. M. Pollock
Updated on

Everyone feels anxious occasionally. But some people may experience more severe symptoms that affect their day-to-day life, which is known as an anxiety disorder. It can distract you from work and even affect your relationships.

While medication and therapy remain the most common forms of treatment, alternative options, such as acupressure, can also help.

Acupressure is a traditional, noninvasive Chinese therapy that releases tension by applying pressure to specific points or meridians across your body. Research suggests that it may be effective in relieving anxiety symptoms, either by yourself or with the help of a professional.

There are several pressure points located on the body that can help relieve anxiety. Examples include:

Yintang (EX-HN 3)

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Yingtang, or the Hall of Impressions is a pressure point located between the midpoint (the center) between your eyebrows. In traditional Chinese practice, this pressure point is stimulated to help relax your nervous system and soothe restlessness.

A 2018 review summarizes how applying acupressure to the yintang pressure point for 15–20 minutes can help reduce anxiety levels in people about to undergo surgery.

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Hegu (LI4)

You can find the Hegu pressure point in the webbed area between the base of your thumb and index finger. Apply a firm circular pressure to this point for 5 minutes. This pressure point may induce labor, so you should avoid this point if you are pregnant.

Researchers in 2020 studying Iranian soldiers with anxiety disorder suggest that the LI4 pressure point is an effective, low cost treatment — that doesn’t require specialist training — for reducing anxiety levels.

This research also highlights the Nei Guan pressure point, also known as Pericardium 6 (P6), located on the inside of the wrist. The P6 point can effectively manage anxiety but not as effectively as the Hegu point.

Shenmen (HT7)

The Shenmen pressure point is located on the edge of your wrist, directly below your pinky finger in the crease immediately below your hand. This pressure point plays a role in helping reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

According to research from 2022, the Shenmen pressure point can help manage anxiety in people about to undergo a surgical procedure, helping facilitate recovery and improving post-operative care.

Baihui GV20

You can find the Baihui pressure point at the very top of your head, at the center of your skull. Rest the tips of your thumbs at the top of your ears, and reach your middle fingers up to touch one another on the crown of your head. This is the point where all the meridians meet.

The Baihui pressure point can be effective in relieving dizziness and anxiety.

Three Yin Crossing (SP6)

The Three Yin Crossing pressure point is located just above your ankle, behind your shinbone, and on your lower calf.

Researchers in 2018 studied 131 pregnant people in the labor ward. They note that applying pressure to the SP6 acupressure point for 30 minutes reduced pre-birth anxiety.

As a result of the acupressure, a lesser amount of pain-relieving medication was necessary.

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Side effects

Acupressure treatment has no apparent side effects except some stiffness from massaging the pressure point. You should never apply acupressure to broken skin or an open wound, which could risk further skin damage and infection. In general, acupressure is very safe.

But if you are pregnant, it is important to inform your therapist beforehand. In traditional Chinese practice, several acupressure points should be avoided during pregnancy. You should inform your therapist if you are, or may be, pregnant before receiving acupressure.

Other treatment options

A doctor is unlikely to recommend acupressure because there is insufficient evidence of its effectiveness. Still, several other treatments — such as medications and talking therapy — can help with anxiety.

These methods can help you overcome the daily challenges and feel like your symptoms are manageable. Once you receive a diagnosis from a doctor, you can work together to determine the best treatments for you and your lifestyle.


Medications for treating anxiety are most commonly benzodiazepines. But these only provide short-term relief as it is easy to become dependent on them.

Types of anxiety medications can include:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): These medications work by increasing the amount of serotonin, a hormone responsible for mood stabilization. These include sertraline (Zoloft) and escitalopram (Lexapro), which can help treat depression too.
  • Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs): These medications help treat anxiety and depression by limiting the reuptake of serotonin, which stops serotonin from dipping too low. Examples include duloxetine (Irenka) and venlafaxine (Effexor ER).
  • Anxiolytics: A doctor typically prescribes these medications for a short time. Examples include alprazolam (Xanax) and diazepam (Valium).


Acupuncture is another traditional Chinese practice that may help with anxiety. It involves the insertion of tiny needles into target areas of the body to release tension and help with any pain.

A 2022 trial suggests that acupressure could help reduce anxiety and may even be more effective than pharmacological treatment options.

Lifestyle measures

  • Talk therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can give you the tools to cope with anxiety symptoms. A therapist can also help you create strategies and tools for coping with anxiety and stress.
  • Mindfulness practices like yoga and meditation can also help you manage anxiety and stress.

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Acupressure is a traditional Chinese therapy that helps release tension by applying pressure to specific points or meridians across your body.

It can help you manage symptoms and provide a coping tool for when you feel anxious. Still, there is not enough evidence for doctors to recommend it as a treatment.

It’s important to remember that alternative therapies, such as acupressure should not replace prescription medications. You should not stop taking medication before you have spoken with a doctor.

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