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Are there oils that can help the eyes?

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Oils for eye healthConditions that may benefitHow to use themMedications and supplementsRisksContacting a doctorSummary
Some oil-based eye drops and supplements may help treat eye issues like dry eye. Before using supplements or over-the-counter (OTC) remedies, it is a good idea to consult a healthcare professional.
Medically reviewed by Ann Marie Griff, O.D.
Updated on

Castor oil eye drops and fish oil supplements may help with various eye issues, including dry eye.

You may be looking for relief if itchy or irritated eyes are a source of discomfort. People have used castor oil, a vegetable oil made from castor beans, for centuries for many purposes, including holistic eye treatment. 

In this article, we take a closer look at oils for eye health, including conditions they may help with, how to use them, and their risks.

Are there any oils that I can use for eye health?

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Lisa Vlasenko/Getty Images

A 2021 study of castor oil for eye conditions suggests that castor oil is a safe and tolerable oil with anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties. It contains ricinoleic acid, which can help improve the functioning of the lipid layer, an oily layer that keeps the eyes moist. 

Castor oil is also naturally vasoconstrictive, meaning it shrinks the blood vessels in the eye, which can help improve the symptoms of red eyes. However, castor oil may worsen dry eye after its effects wear off. 

Another oil that can help support eye health is fish oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids may help improve the functioning of the oil glands in the eyes and help you make more tears.

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What conditions might oils help with?


Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids resulting from an overgrowth of bacteria at the base of the eyelids or an issue with the oil glands.

According to one 2021 study, castor oil may help improve the function of these oil glands and reduce redness and swelling. However, doctors do not recommend castor oil as a treatment for blepharitis, and more research is needed.

You can also help support oil gland health by taking fish oil supplements or consuming fish oil through your diet. Sardines, salmon, and flaxseed are all high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Meibomian gland dysfunction 

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a group of meibomian gland disorders. Meibomian glands are glands along the edge of the eyelids.

MGD can lead to a host of conditions, including ocular surface disease and evaporative dry eye.

A 2010 study of castor oil eyedrops suggests that they may help decrease MGD-related ocular symptoms.

Dry eye

When you blink, your eyelids distribute natural tears, helping to lubricate your eyes and keep them comfortable.

Some people don’t make enough tears or produce low quality tears. Drops with castor oil can help improve tear quality, reduce tear evaporation, and help with tear production. 

How do you use oils for your eyes?

Ophthalmologists do not recommend rubbing pure off-the-shelf caster oil directly in your eye. It can cause irritation or block lubricating glands.

Instead, they suggest looking for eye drops containing castor oil, also known as artificial tears. When scanning a product’s list of ingredients, look for ricinoleic acid triglyceride.

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What are prescription medications and supplements for dry eye?

In addition to these OTC solutions, the following prescription medications and supplements may also help.

Lifitegrast (Xiidra)

These eyedrops address the symptoms of dry eye by reducing inflammation. Lifitegrast (Xiidra) does not contain castor oil, but it can help relieve the signs and symptoms of dry eye.

Cyclosporine (Restasis)

These eyedrops treat dry eyes by reducing inflammation. In addition to the active ingredient, cyclosporine, these eye drops also contain castor oil. 

If you need help covering the cost of medications, the free Optum Perks Discount Card could help you save up to 80% on prescription drugs. Follow the links on drug names for savings on that medication, or search for a specific drug here.

Fish oil supplements

It can be difficult to get adequate omega-3 fatty acids through diet alone. Fish oil supplements, taken by mouth, typically provide about 1,000 milligrams (mg) of fish oil. 

Experts recommend limiting omega-3 consumption to no more than 2,000 mg per day.


If you follow directions and use them correctly, the risks of using eye drops with castor oil are low.

Avoid touching your eye with the tip of the eye dropper since this can increase your risk of irritation and developing an infection.

When to contact a doctor

If you’re experiencing signs of an eye infection, including increasing redness and discharge, visit a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

If your dry eye symptoms are impairing your vision or result in constant burning or scratchiness, consider making an appointment with a healthcare professional.


Castor oil eyedrops and fish oil supplements can help with dry eye and other eye conditions.

Castor oil eyedrops are available OTC or via prescription.

Make sure to follow packaging instructions or a doctor’s advice when using eye drops.

Download the free Optum Perks Discount Card to save up to 80% on some prescription medications.

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