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Levothyroxine and coffee: Can you take together?

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Is coffee OK?Caffeine and hypothyroidismImproving levothyroxine absorptionLevothyroxine and triiodothyronineSummary
Coffee may reduce levothyroxine absorption, so it may be a good idea to wait at least 30–60 minutes after taking the medication before enjoying your first sip of java.
Medically reviewed by Monica Kean, PharmD
Updated on

Levothyroxine is a synthetic version of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4), essential for thyroid function. Your body transforms it into the active thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3), also necessary for the thyroid to do its work.

A healthcare professional may prescribe levothyroxine to help manage hypothyroidism, which involves lower thyroid hormone production. By supplementing the deficient thyroid hormone, levothyroxine can help regulate the body’s metabolism and energy production, among other vital functions.

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Can you take levothyroxine with coffee?

Man drinking coffee with levothyroxine
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It may be a good idea not to. When you take levothyroxine, the thyroid hormone thyroxin (T4) should increase in your blood.

However, consuming certain foods, drinks, or supplements may reduce your body’s ability to absorb the medication, going against its intended goal. Drinking coffee around the same time you take levothyroxine may be one of them, according to a 2017 research review.

In fact, a different 2017 review found that of the many nutrition options that may reduce levothyroxine’s absorption, coffee and soybeans top the list. A review from 2021 supports these findings, noting that coffee, fiber, soy products, calcium, and iron supplements interfere with levothyroxine absorption. 

So, how long do you have to wait after taking levothyroxine before drinking coffee?

A 2022 study on the effects of tea and coffee on levothyroxine found that drinking either option within 1 hour of taking the medication may reduce its absorption. 

Research on whether decaffeinated tea and coffee also affect levothyroxine absorption is limited.

Can you drink caffeine if you have hypothyroidism?

When determining whether drinking coffee is a good idea if you have hypothyroidism, a blanket statement either way doesn’t work. Research doesn’t show that people with hypothyroidism need to avoid coffee or caffeine, but it doesn’t support its consumption either. 

A 2023 study found that coffee may be safe for thyroid function and might even reduce the risk of developing hypothyroidism. However, the researchers explained that more studies are necessary to understand how caffeine or coffee might affect the thyroid.

How to improve levothyroxine absorption

To ensure optimal levothyroxine absorption, the 2021 review mentioned earlier suggests:

  • Timing: Try taking your medication at least 1 hour before breakfast or before drinking coffee or tea, or take it before bed, at least 3 hours after a meal. For tailored recommendations, discuss the topic with your prescribing healthcare professional.
  • Form: Levothyroxine is available in multiple forms, including tablets, oral liquid, and soft gel capsules. Your body may absorb the oral liquid best, followed by the soft gel capsules. Your healthcare professional may recommend one more than the other, depending on factors like lifestyle habits and health needs.
  • Empty stomach: Food may reduce the speed and amount of levothyroxine absorption and affect how well the treatment works for you. It may be a good idea to avoid consuming food for at least 30–60 minutes after taking the medication. Your healthcare professional may also recommend you take the medication on an empty stomach in the mornings.
  • Certain supplements: Fiber, calcium, iron, aluminum, and chromium supplements may affect how well your body absorbs levothyroxine. Consider asking your healthcare professional how much you need to space these out. 
  • Vitamin C: Supplementing vitamin C may improve levothyroxine absorption, though more research is necessary to confirm this.  

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Can you take levothyroxine with triiodothyronine?

Your body transforms levothyroxine, the synthetic form of thyroxine (T4), into triiodothyronine (T3). Depending on your health needs, you can also take a synthetic version of T3 called liothyronine

The American Thyroid Association explains that while you can take synthetic T3 and synthetic T4 together, it’s not a common practice. 

T3 has a short lifespan in the body, so to keep levels high, you’d need to take it several times per day. Also, T3 levels may rise too high shortly after taking it, which may cause symptoms like a rapid heart rate and anxiety. 

On the other hand, taking T4 leads to steady blood levels, and you only need to take it daily. Your body can convert T4 into T3 as necessary, even if your thyroid gland doesn’t work as it should. 

Brand names for these thyroid medications include:

  • Synthetic thyroxine/T4 (levothyroxine): 
  • Synthetic triiodothyronine/T3 (liothyronine): 
  • Combination of synthetic T3 and synthetic T4 (liotrix):
    • tablet: Thyrolar 

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Although research doesn’t show any safety risks of drinking coffee around the time you take levothyroxine, it suggests that coffee may reduce absorption of the medication. The same goes for caffeinated tea. Research on their decaf counterparts is still limited.

It may be a good idea to wait around 1 hour after taking levothyroxine before enjoying your first cup of joe for the day. Alternatively, you may take the medication at night before bed. Consider following your healthcare professional’s recommendations. 

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