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What is a Lamictal rash?

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Lamotrigine (Lamictal) is a medication to treat conditions such as epilepsy, depression, and bipolar disorder. Some people may develop a rash after taking this medication.
Medically reviewed by Ami Patel PharmD, BCPS
Updated on

Lamictal is the brand name of the medication Lamotrigine, which may cause a rash to develop in some people. These rashes are typically harmless but can be life threatening in some instances. You should contact a doctor immediately if a severe rash occurs after taking Lamictal.

Lamictal is a medication that doctors may prescribe for several health conditions, including:

  • epilepsy
  • neuropathic pain
  • depression
  • bipolar disorder

There are various steps you can take to prevent a rash from occurring, such as starting on a low dose and gradually increasing it when you first start taking the medication.

What does a Lamictal rash look like?

Female pulling her sweater away from her neck to show a Lamictal rash on chest and neck.
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About 10% of people taking Lamictal develop a rash. Its severity can vary from mild and typically not dangerous to severe. If you experience a mild rash, you should contact a doctor who can monitor your symptoms and see if other side effects occur. If you experience a severe rash, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible.

People with a mild Lamictal rash may develop symptoms such as:

Symptoms of a severe Lamictal rash may include:

  • joint pain
  • muscle pain
  • fever
  • swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck
  • malaise, an overall feeling of being unwell
  • high blood count of a type of immune cell called eosinophils

In some rare cases, people may develop toxic epidermal necrolysis or Stevens-Johnson syndrome after taking Lamictal.

This condition can cause people to experience flu-like symptoms followed by a red or purple rash that spreads on the body, forming blisters. The rash eventually causes the death of the skin, which peels off.

This typically occurs in the first 8 weeks after starting Lamictal or when the medication dosage is increased too quickly. Stevens-Johnson syndrome can cause severe and life threatening complications, such as sepsis and multiple organ failure.

You should contact a doctor if you have concerns or experience any side effects after taking Lamictal. If you experience any severe side effects, seek medical attention immediately.

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What causes a Lamictal rash?

People typically develop a Lamictal rash due to hypersensitivity to the medication. This occurs when your immune system overreacts to a specific drug or compound that the medication contains. This may occur immediately or within several hours or days after taking a medication.

However, hypersensitivity may not be the only factor causing a Lamictal rash, particularly in children. A combination of factors may increase the risk of developing this type of rash, including certain genetic factors.

Several factors may increase the risk of developing a rash while on Lamictal, including:

  • children taking the medication
  • having previously developed a rash after taking another epilepsy medication
  • taking a medication called sodium valproate (Depacon)
  • having an allergy to an antibiotic called trimethoprim (Primsol)
  • quickly increasing Lamictal dosage

Treatment options for a Lamictal rash

If you develop a rash after taking Lamictal, you should immediately stop taking it and contact a doctor unless you are sure the rash is not due to Lamictal. If you have a mild rash, your doctor may reduce the dosage of the medication or no longer prescribe it for you.

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The treatment for a Lamictal rash depends on its severity. In serious cases, you may even require hospitalization for close monitoring and optimal treatment. Specialists typically treat skin damage similarly to heat burns. Doctors may give you medications to improve your symptoms depending on their severity. This can include:

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How can you prevent a Lamictal rash?

There are several steps you can take to help prevent a Lamictal rash from occurring. Before starting to take this medication, it is important to let your doctor know about any other medication you are taking so they can prevent any known interaction between drugs.

To prevent Lamictal rashes, doctors may recommend you start taking a low dose of this medication for a period of time. They will then slowly increase the dosage if you do not experience any side effects. Taking Lamictal with the correct dosage and at the right time of the day can reduce the risk of developing a rash.

It is important to only take this medication once you’ve spoken with a doctor and to follow their instructions. Stopping Lamictal and speaking with a healthcare professional as soon as you experience any side effects may also help prevent rashes and other complications.


Taking lamotrigine (Lamictal) can cause several side effects. About 10% of people taking this medication can develop a skin rash. In most cases, a Lamictal rash is harmless. However, in some rare cases, people can develop serious complications that can cause life threatening conditions such as sepsis.

If you take Lamictal and develop a skin rash, you should immediately stop taking this medication and contact a doctor. You should get medical attention if you experience severe side effects after taking Lamictal.

To help prevent Lamictal rashes, inform doctors about any medication you are taking, particularly anti-epileptic drugs. If a doctor prescribes Lamictal, you should take this medication exactly as instructed.

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