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Ketorolac oral tablet side effects: A detailed guide

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More common side effectsMild side effectsSerious side effectsFAQSide effects in detailWarningsAsk your doctor
Ketorolac oral tablet is prescribed to adults for short-term treatment of pain. It’s a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that may cause mild or serious side effects. These include serious digestive and heart-related side effects.
Medically reviewed by Christina Bookwalter PharmD, MS MEd, BCPS, BCACP
Updated on

This article describes possible side effects of ketorolac oral tablet. You can explore this overview article to learn more about ketorolac, including the drug’s uses, side effects, ways to save on cost, and more.

Ketorolac oral tablet is a generic medication. It isn’t available in a brand-name version. Ketorolac also comes in injectable forms and other forms that you swallow, but these forms aren’t described in this article. To learn more about these forms, talk with your doctor.

Boxed warnings

Ketorolac oral tablet has boxed warnings about the following risks. A boxed warning is the most serious warning from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

  • risk of serious digestive problems
  • risk of serious heart and blood vessel problems, such as a heart attack
  • risk of kidney failure
  • risk of bleeding
  • risk of serious effects when taken during labor and delivery
  • risk of serious effects when taken with NSAIDs
  • risk of serious effects in certain adults

For details, see the “Side effects of ketorolac in detail” section below.

More common side effects of ketorolac

Ketorolac oral tablet may cause mild or serious side effects. Below are some of the more common side effects of this medication.

Commonly reported side effects of ketorolac oral tablet include:

  • abdominal pain
  • headache
  • indigestion
  • nausea

Mild side effects of ketorolac

Ketorolac may cause certain mild side effects. Usually, mild side effects are temporary and can be easily managed. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have side effects that don’t go away or become bothersome.

Mild side effects of ketorolac oral tablet that occurred in studies include:

* To learn more about this side effect, see the “Side effects of ketorolac in detail” section below.

Ketorolac oral tablet may cause more mild side effects than those listed above. For details, see the drug’s prescribing information.

Serious side effects of ketorolac

Ketorolac may cause certain serious side effects. If you have any serious side effects from ketorolac oral tablet, call your doctor right away. But if you think you’re having a medical emergency or your side effects feel life threatening, take immediate action. Call 911 or a local emergency number, or go to the nearest emergency room.

After the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a drug, it tracks and reviews side effects of the medication. Visit MedWatch’s website if you’d like to notify the FDA about a side effect you’ve had with ketorolac.

Serious side effects of ketorolac oral tablet that occurred in studies include:

* To learn more about this side effect, see the “Side effects of ketorolac in detail” section below.
Ketorolac oral tablet has a boxed warning for this side effect. A boxed warning is the most serious warning from the FDA. To learn more, see the “Side effects of ketorolac in detail” section below.
Ketorolac oral tablet has a boxed warning for this side effect. A boxed warning is the most serious warning from the FDA. To learn more, see the “Ketorolac and pregnancy” section below.

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Common questions about side effects of ketorolac

Here are answers to some common questions about side effects of ketorolac oral tablet. If you have other questions, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.

How do side effects of ketorolac compare with those seen with ibuprofen?

Ketorolac and ibuprofen cause very similar side effects. Both ketorolac and ibuprofen are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). This means they work the same way and can cause similar side effects. Examples of these shared side effects include:

  • risk of serious digestive problems
  • risk of serious heart and blood vessel problems, such as a heart attack

Both ketorolac and ibuprofen have boxed warnings for the above risks. A boxed warning is the most serious warning from the FDA. Ketorolac also has additional boxed warnings that ibuprofen doesn’t have.

The risk of severe side effects appears to be higher with ketorolac — especially if it is used long term. For this reason, ketorolac is approved for use for up to five days in a row. While ibuprofen is typically used short term, it can be used long term if necessary.

Talk with your doctor or pharmacist if you’d like to learn more about how ketorolac and ibuprofen compare.

Does ketorolac cause long-term side effects?

Yes, in some cases ketorolac oral tablet may cause long-term side effects. These can occur if you take the drug for a long time. These can also last for a while after you’ve stopped taking the drug.

Examples of long-term side effects reported with ketorolac oral tablet include:

* Ketorolac oral tablet has a boxed warning for this side effect. A boxed warning is the most serious warning from the FDA. To learn more, see the “Side effects of ketorolac in detail” section below.

Talk with your doctor to learn more about these side effects and how to manage them. Ask your doctor for more information about how long these side effects of ketorolac may last.

Side effects of ketorolac in detail

Below you’ll find details on some of the side effects of ketorolac oral tablet.

Boxed warnings

Ketorolac has numerous boxed warnings, which are discussed in more detail below. A boxed warning is the most serious warning given to a drug by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Risk of serious digestive problems

In studies, serious digestive problems were rare in people taking ketorolac oral tablet. Specific digestive problems reported in these studies include:

Symptoms will vary depending on the specific side effect experienced. But some general symptoms may include:

  • burning pains or cramps in abdomen
  • feeling full or bloated
  • blood in vomit or stool

Certain factors can increase the risk of digestive problems with ketorolac oral tablet. These include:

  • being age 65 years or older
  • drinking alcohol or using tobacco while taking ketorolac
  • having a blood condition, such as hemophilia
  • having a liver condition, such as alcohol-related liver disease
  • taking ketorolac for a long time, especially if you take a higher dose (due to this risk, ketorolac is approved for use for up to five consecutive days)
  • taking other drugs that can cause similar side effects, including other NSAIDs such as naproxen

Ways to manage

If you experience symptoms of serious digestive problems, stop taking ketorolac and tell your doctor right away. They’ll likely recommend making an appointment so they can further evaluate your symptoms and determine the best treatment for you. They’ll also determine whether it’s safe for you to continue taking ketorolac.

Risk of serious heart and blood vessel problems, such as a heart attack

In studies, serious heart and blood vessel problems were rare in people using ketorolac oral tablet. These side effects may be serious. Examples of heart and blood vessel problems include heart attack and stroke.

Symptoms of a stroke may include:

  • drooping face
  • numbness or weakness in one or both sides of the body, such as in the arms or legs
  • slurred speech

Symptoms of a heart attack may include:

  • discomfort, pain, or pressure in your chest, which may be severe and may spread to upper body areas such as the arm or jaw
  • shortness of breath
  • sweating excessively

Certain factors can increase the risk of serious heart and blood vessel problems with ketorolac oral tablet. These include:

Ways to manage

Call 911 or seek emergency medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Your doctor will likely stop your treatment with ketorolac if you experience a serious heart or blood vessel problem while taking it.

Risk of kidney failure

Ketorolac should not be used if you have advanced kidney disease or are at risk for kidney failure due to loss of fluid within the body. Taking ketorolac may cause kidney failure if you have these pre-existing conditions.

Instead, your doctor will recommend other treatments for pain that are safer for you.

Risk of bleeding

Because ketorolac raises the risk of bleeding and can worsen bleeding that is already happening, doctors won’t prescribe ketorolac if:

  • you have suspected or confirmed bleeding in your brain (cerebrovascular bleeding)
  • you have bleeding tendencies or increased susceptibility to bleeding (hemorrhagic diathesis)
  • you are at increased risk of bleeding due to any other reason

In such cases, your doctor will recommend a treatment for pain that is safer for you.

Risk of serious effects when taken with NSAIDs

Doctors won’t prescribe ketorolac if you’re taking another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) due to the increased risk of serious side effects caused by NSAIDs. Examples of NSAIDs include ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin. Keep in mind that ketorolac is also an NSAID. Your doctor will either have you stop taking other NSAIDs if they prescribe ketorolac or they won’t prescribe ketorolac. They’ll determine which treatment works best for pain.

Risk of serious effects in certain adults

Certain adults are at increased risk for serious side effects caused by ketorolac. This includes:

  • adults age 65 years and above
  • adults weighing less than 110 pounds (lb) or 49.8 kilograms (kg)*
  • adults with moderately high creatinine (a measurement used to evaluate your kidney function)

* For reference (1 kg = 2.2 lb)

Doctors will prescribe a lower ketorolac dosage if any of the above conditions apply to you and avoid the risk of serious effects.

Allergic reaction

For some people, ketorolac oral tablet can cause an allergic reaction.

Symptoms can be mild or serious, and they may include:

  • itchiness
  • skin rash
  • swelling under the skin, usually affecting eyelids, lips, hands, or feet
  • swelling of the mouth, tongue, or throat, which can make it hard to breathe
  • flushing (temporary warmth, redness, or deepening of skin color)

Ways to manage

For mild allergic reaction symptoms, such as a mild rash, call your doctor right away. They may recommend treatments to help manage your symptoms. They’ll also let you know whether you should keep taking the medication.

For severe allergic reaction symptoms, such as swelling or trouble breathing, call 911 or your local emergency number right away. These symptoms require immediate medical care because they can become life threatening. If you’ve had a serious allergic reaction to ketorolac oral tablet, your doctor may recommend taking a different medication instead.

Warnings for ketorolac

Below are some factors you may want to discuss with your doctor before taking ketorolac oral tablet.

Boxed warnings

This drug has boxed warnings about the following risks. A boxed warning is the most serious warning from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

  • risk of serious digestive problems
  • risk of serious heart and blood vessel problems, such as a heart attack
  • risk of kidney failure
  • risk of bleeding
  • risk of serious effects when taken during labor and delivery
  • risk of serious effects when taken with NSAIDs
  • risk of serious effects in certain adults

For details, see the “Side effects of ketorolac in detail” section above.

Other warnings

It may not be safe for you to take ketorolac oral tablet if you have specific health conditions. These are sometimes called drug-condition interactions. Other things may also affect whether ketorolac oral tablet is a safe treatment option for you.

Before taking ketorolac oral tablet, tell your doctor about your health and medications you take. Things to consider include:

Ketorolac and pregnancy

Ketorolac oral tablet should not be taken after the 30th week of pregnancy. And doctors typically only prescribe ketorolac after the 20th week of pregnancy when other treatments for pain don’t work or aren’t available. This is due to a risk of harm to the pregnancy.

If you’re planning a pregnancy or can become pregnant, talk with your doctor before using this medication. Your doctor may suggest birth control options to use during treatment with ketorolac.

Boxed warning: Risk of serious effects with use during labor and delivery

Doctors won’t take ketorolac to treat pain during labor and delivery because the drug can affect blood supply and stop uterine contractions. Instead, they’ll use safer treatments during this period instead.

Ketorolac and breastfeeding

It’s not known whether ketorolac oral tablet should be taken while breastfeeding. If you’re breastfeeding or planning to do so, talk with your doctor before taking this medication.

Ketorolac and alcohol

Ketorolac oral tablet is known to interact with alcohol.

Drinking alcohol raises your risk of getting an ulcer or developing bleeding in your digestive tract as a side effect of taking ketorolac. Due to this risk, your doctor will likely advise you to avoid alcohol while you’re taking ketorolac.

Talk with your doctor if you’d like to learn more about the risks of drinking alcohol during your treatment with ketorolac oral tablet.

What to ask your doctor

This article describes common and serious side effects of ketorolac oral tablet. If your doctor prescribes this medication, they can discuss possible side effects with you. Let your doctor know if you have concerns or questions about treatment with this medication.

Here’s a list of some possible questions you may want to ask your doctor:

  • Does my health history increase my risk of side effects if I take ketorolac?
  • If I experience a headache while taking ketorolac, is it safe to use acetaminophen (Tylenol) to treat it, or does this raise my risk of side effects?
  • Does ketorolac have similar side effects as other NSAIDs, such as indomethacin?

Disclaimer: Optum Perks has made every effort to make certain that all information is factually correct, comprehensive, and up to date. However, this article should not be used as a substitute for the knowledge and expertise of a licensed healthcare professional. You should always consult your doctor or another healthcare professional before taking any medication. The drug information contained herein is subject to change and is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. The absence of warnings or other information for a given drug does not indicate that the drug or drug combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for all patients or all specific uses.

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