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How to sleep with a chemo port

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Best sleep positionsChemo port pillowsComplication signsHow to protect your chemo portSummary
Sleeping on your back is recommended if you have a chemo port, which is typically inserted on one side of the chest. Still, it is important to be cautious to reduce the chance of displacement or complications.
Medically reviewed by Teresa Hagan Thomas PHD, BA, RN
Updated on

A chemotherapy port is a small device connected to a vein through a catheter.

Medical professionals generally implant one in your chest, slightly beneath the skin, to make taking blood samples or giving medications and infusions easier.

A chemo port is about the size of a quarter, and the incision after implantation is usually no wider than a few centimeters. Still, you may feel uncomfortable or highly aware of your device, particularly when lying down or sleeping.

This article will discuss how to sleep with a chemo port to reduce discomfort and the chance of displacing it accidentally.

Best sleep positions to rest with a chemo port

Man sleeping with a chemo porta
J-The Photoholic/Getty Images

Before getting a chemo port, you may wonder if sleeping with one is difficult. It may be at first, but there are ways to decrease your discomfort.

Sleeping on your back may help you sleep better by reducing the chance of friction and pressure on the chemo port. Alternatively, sleeping on your side may work for some people during short periods.

Sleeping face down may be the least recommended position if you have a chemo port. It could damage the device and increase your discomfort.

Can you sleep on the same side as your chemo port?

Sleeping on the same side of your chemo port may result in friction or movement that could lead to accidental port damage or dislodgment.

Instead, if you need to turn sideways, try to turn to the opposite side of the chemo port location. If your chemo port is installed on the right side of your chest, try to sleep on your left side and vice versa.

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Is it natural to have pain at the chemo point location?

A chemo port is a foreign object implanted in your body. Inserting it requires an incision, so you may feel discomfort for a few days. Pain, however, may be a sign that your healthcare professional needs to check the chemo port.

Signs of an infection or other chemo port complications may include:

  • swelling
  • pain that does not subside
  • redness or changes in skin color depending on your skin tone
  • bruising
  • bleeding
  • discharge from the incision
  • skin that feels warmer to the touch
  • fever

If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your health team as soon as possible.

Are pillows and blankets recommended with a chemo port?

Your health team may recommend a chemo port pillow to minimize friction with objects like a seat belt. However, these pillows do not work for sleeping.

You may use your regular pillow to increase comfort levels when sleeping with a chemo port. Your pillow should support your head and neck enough, mainly if you’re not used to sleeping face up.

You may also want to place a smaller pillow below or around your shoulder to prevent you from turning and tossing.

If you prefer sleeping with a blanket, consider adding one or more layers in between to reduce the chance of tangling. Layers may be a shirt or a soft bedsheet.

What to keep in mind when sleeping with a chemo port

Although rare, having a chemo port installed may lead to some complications. Learning about the signs may help you know when to contact your health team.

Blood clots

A blood clot may form in the vein connected to the chemo port. The symptoms may include:

  • swelling around the port location
  • redness or hyperpigmentation on the same side of the port
  • tenderness or pain to touch

Your medical professional may give you medication to dissolve the clot. However, if your symptoms continue, you may need surgery to remove the clot.


An infection may develop in the catheter or around the chemo port. If you have an infection, you may need to take antibiotics. If the infection does not improve, you may need to have your chemo port removed.

The signs of an infection may include:

  • swelling, hyperpigmentation, or pain around the chemo port
  • pain in your chest, arm, or neck
  • swelling in the chest, arm, or neck
  • breathlessness
  • leaking of fluid from the skin around the port
  • high temperature (fever) or shivering
  • dizziness or fainting

These signs are considered a medical emergency.


It may be possible to dislodge the catheter or the chemo port accidentally. If this happens, you may feel discomfort around the chemo port.

If you think you have displaced your chemo port or have any concerns, consider contacting your healthcare professional. They can verify the position of your port and re-fit it if needed.

How can you protect your chemo port?

Your health team will advise on how to protect your chemo port. These guidelines may include:

  • washing your hands before touching the chemo port
  • keeping the chemo port dry
  • covering the port with a waterproof material when you shower
  • having enough extra dressing and medical supplies to care for the chemo port
  • avoiding pulling or bending the catheter
  • getting a chemo pillow for your seatbelt if you frequently ride or drive a car
  • watching for signs of infection and contacting the doctor if any occurs


Sleeping on your back is preferred if you have a chemo port. It can minimize the chances of damaging the device or experiencing discomfort while you sleep.

Sleeping on the opposite side of your chemo port is also possible for shorter periods, depending on your comfort levels.

Support from pillows under your head and shoulders may also help you sleep better with a chemo port. It can also prevent damage to the device that may occur if you turn from side to side as you rest.

If you experience pain, fever, bleeding, or swelling around the chemo port location, contact your healthcare professional so they can rule out possible complications.

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