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What are some home remedies for adult ear infections?

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Home remediesOTC pain reliefContacting a doctorSummary
You can relieve the pain of an ear infection with home remedies and over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers. If the infection is caused by bacteria, though, you might need antibiotics.
Medically reviewed by Nicole Leigh Aaronson, MD, MBA, CPE, FACS, FAAP
Written by Cathy Lovering
Updated on

Ear infections — most commonly, middle ear infections (otitis media) — are usually caused by bacteria or a virus. Doctors might take the approach of watchful waiting before prescribing antibiotics for your ear pain. This means they will wait and see whether the pain goes away on its own or needs treatment.

Most ear infections get better without antibiotics. But antibiotics may be necessary if the infection lasts longer than a few days.

Home remedies include keeping irritants away from your ear and protecting it from pressure. Heat and cold can also help reduce the pain. Contacting a doctor immediately is a good idea if you experience a high fever or severe symptoms.

At-home remedies for ear infections 

Side view of an adult male holding their left ear and possibly wondering about home remedies for ear infections in adults
Nes/Getty Images

You can ease symptoms with home remedies while waiting for your ear infection to improve. You can use these in combination with OTC pain medications to find relief. 

Warm or cold compresses

Holding a warm or cold compress against or near your ear may help soothe discomfort. Both heat and cold are common remedies for injury and pain.

Heat increases blood flow to an area, which can help relax muscles and relieve stiffness. Cold numbs the area and reduces swelling and inflammation.

Consider a heating pad or ice pack, depending on your temperature preference. Take care not to hold either one directly against your skin. Wrapping it in a towel before placing it near your ear creates a good barrier. 

Steam inhalation

Inhaling steam from a shower or humidifier is a common cold remedy that might also help with the pain of a mild ear infection.

Although there’s no medical evidence to suggest that steam helps with cold symptoms, anecdotal evidence suggests it has congestion-relieving benefits. People often report using steam to loosen mucus and help it drain.

Relieving congestion might help with ear pain, too. This is because the Eustachian tube connects the nasal cavity to the middle ear. So reducing nasal swelling might reduce middle ear pressure, as ear infections can cause inflammation and fluid in this area.

Avoiding irritants

You should try to avoid touching the inside of your ear. An ear infection can cause many symptoms like itchiness. Though scratching the inside of your ear might be tempting, it can worsen your ear pain. 

Sleep position

Pressure on the outside of your ear can contribute to ear pain. Consider sleeping in a way that reduces this pressure. Keep your head elevated with extra pillows if necessary. If you typically sleep on your side, try sleeping with the opposite ear pressed against the pillow.

You might also consider using a neck pillow if you find it difficult to position your head to protect your ears.

Rest and drink fluids

Focus on resting as much as possible until your ear infection improves. Consuming extra fluids, such as water, tea, or clear soups, can help your body manage the extra work it is doing to fight off the infection.

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Over-the-counter pain relief for earache

OTC pain remedies can be an important part of managing the pain from an ear infection.

Consider medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil). A doctor or pharmacist can give you more specific directions on how much pain medication to take and for how long.

When to contact a doctor

Most ear infections clear up without prescription medicines. Sometimes, though, a doctor must treat your symptoms. Consider contacting a healthcare professional if you have:

  • a high fever (100.4°F or higher)
  • discharge from your ear, such as fluid or pus
  • new hearing loss or difficulty hearing
  • symptoms that become worse
  • symptoms that do not get better over 2–3 days
  • vertigo, which is dizziness or a moving or spinning sensation when you are still

If your ear infection is caused by bacteria, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics. They may first prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic that treats various bacterial infections. If the eardrum ruptures and fluid comes from the ear (drainage), they may take a swab of the liquid and send it to a lab for testing to help them prescribe the right antibiotic.

The most common antibiotic doctors and healthcare professionals prescribe for an ear infection is amoxicillin (Augmentin). Doctors may prescribe a course of amoxicillin with doses every 8–12 hours over several days. You must finish the full course, even if you feel better. If symptoms do not improve, you should return to the doctor for further advice or treatment.

An ear infection might also be viral. In this case, antibiotics are ineffective. Viral infections should resolve by themselves within a few days.


Ear infections usually improve within a few days with home treatments like using hot and cold compresses, inhaling steam, resting, and keeping the ear dry and protected from irritation.

A doctor might prescribe antibiotics like amoxicillin for several days if the infection is bacterial. Viral infections do not respond to antibiotics.

OTC pain relievers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) can help manage your discomfort while your infection heals.

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