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Getting to know hemorrhoid medications

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OTC medicationsPrescription medicationsSurgerySymptomsCauses and diagnosisContacting a doctorSummary
Depending on your symptoms and their severity, options like over-the-counter (OTC) creams or prescription-strength ointments may provide relief from hemorrhoids. A doctor can recommend the best options for you.
Medically reviewed by Ami Patel PharmD, BCPS
Updated on

Hemorrhoids are a common condition characterized by swollen blood vessels in the rectal and anal areas.

They can cause pain and discomfort and may be difficult for some individuals to discuss with a healthcare team. Rest assured that hemorrhoids are a common condition that doctors regularly help with.

OTC hemorrhoid medications

Rubber ring dipicting hemorrhoids medication
Israel Sebastian/Getty Images

Different types of medication address different symptoms, and what works for one person may not work for someone else. You may need to try different options to find the best one for you.

Here are some OTC options to consider.

Preparation H

This medication comes in various forms, like creams, wipes, ointments, suppositories, and gel. It contains phenylephrine, mineral oil, shark liver oil, and witch hazel.

As noted by a 2018 article, ingredients like phenylephrine and witch hazel may reduce swelling, soothe itching, and temporarily relieve pain and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids. If applied as an ointment, the preparation can also protect the irritated area from further irritation.


This medication comes as a cream, ointment, or suppository. It contains pramoxine, zinc oxide, and mineral oil.

The same 2018 article above notes that zinc oxide, a protectant, and pramoxine, a topical anesthetic, can provide temporary relief from pain, itching, and swelling due to hemorrhoids.

When you use Anusol as a cream or ointment, it also forms a protective barrier and encourages healing.

Fiber supplements

These are usually oral tablets or capsules that you must take with plenty of water or powders that dissolve in water. However, whichever fiber supplements you buy, you should always follow the manufacturer’s dosage instructions. Ingredients may include psyllium husk or ispaghula and bran.

According to a 2020 paper, fiber — whether from your diet or a supplement — may make bowel movements softer and ensure less pressure is required when having a bowel movement.

Prescription medications

Prescription medications for hemorrhoids include:

  • Procto-med Hc (Proctocort): This rectal cream combines the anti-inflammatory effects of hydrocortisone with pramoxine’s numbing properties to relieve pain, itching, and swelling. You apply this medication rectally using the provided applicator as directed by a doctor or healthcare professional.
  • Lidocaine hydrocortisone with Aloe (Ana-Lex): This cream combines lidocaine and hydrocortisone. It has anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and numbing properties. You also apply this medication rectally, as your doctor prescribes.
  • Anusol-hc supp (Proctocort supp): These prescription-only suppositories can help reduce swelling, pain, and discomfort. You place these suppositories inside the rectum. A doctor or healthcare professional will be able to offer advice on the most effective placement method.

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Surgical treatment options

If hemorrhoids do not respond to medications or become severe, a doctor may recommend other treatments.

According to an older 2015 review, nonsurgical treatments include rubber band ligation or sclerotherapy. The review also lists surgical removal, called hemorrhoidectomy, as an option.

However, as noted by a 2021 review, surgery can lead to complications like pain, urinary issues, or bleeding, which is important to consider.

Hemorrhoid symptoms

Hemorrhoid symptoms include:

  • Rectal pain or discomfort: Hemorrhoids can cause aching or sharp pain in the rectal area, especially during bowel movements or when sitting.
  • Itching, irritation, and inflammation: Hemorrhoids may cause intense itching and irritation in and around the anus. Scratching can further aggravate the condition.
  • Swelling, protrusion, or prolapse: Swollen blood vessels can cause a visible lump or bulge around the anus. Internal hemorrhoids may protrude through the anus, causing a prolapse.
  • Bleeding: You may notice blood on toilet paper after wiping, in the toilet bowl, or on the surface of the stool. The blood is usually bright red, indicating that it comes from the lower rectum or anus.
  • Mucus discharge: Hemorrhoids can cause the release of mucus from the anus. This may occur with a feeling of incomplete bowel movement or a slimy texture when wiping.

These symptoms can vary in severity, and the size and location of the hemorrhoids may influence symptoms.

Hemorrhoid causes and diagnosis

A 2019 review states that experts don’t fully understand the cause of hemorrhoids. Potential causes include:

  • increased pressure on the veins in the rectal area
  • constipation
  • pregnancy
  • being overweight
  • prolonged sitting
  • a low fiber diet
  • unideal posture when on the toilet
  • spending too long on the toilet

Diagnosis typically involves talking through your symptoms, a physical examination, and, in some cases, a visual inspection using an anoscope, proctoscope, or rectoscope.

Contacting a doctor

Although hemorrhoids may get better or go away without treatment, this is not always the case.

If you experience persistent or severe symptoms of hemorrhoids, consider contacting a doctor. It is best to consult a doctor if you notice blood after going to the bathroom.

They can provide an accurate diagnosis and suggest medications tailored to your symptoms and health. They may recommend other medications or treatment options than those listed above.

They can also rule out other potential causes of your symptoms, such as irritable bowel disease (IBD).


Hemorrhoids can be an uncomfortable and bothersome condition, but with the right medications and treatments, relief is possible.

OTC options such as Preparation H and Anusol can help alleviate symptoms and promote healing. For more severe cases, a doctor may prescribe medications like hydrocortisone cream or Proctofoam-HC.

A doctor can provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan tailored to your needs. They can also rule out any other potential causes of your symptoms.

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