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3 supplements for heat regulation

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Heat-regulating supplements can help your body avoid conditions such as heatstroke and exhaustion. Common examples include magnesium, electrolytes, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Medically reviewed by Alexandra Perez, PharmD, MBA, BCGP
Written by Cathy Lovering
Updated on

Extreme heat can cause you to develop conditions like heatstroke and heat exhaustion. The risk can increase for people who have chronic health conditions that affect how their body regulates temperature.

Heat regulation supplements, such as magnesium, electrolytes, and omega-3 fatty acids, can help your body manage the heat. They are available over-the-counter (OTC) and can help provide additional nutrients to support your overall health during hot weather.

What heat-regulating supplements are available?

Examples of heat regulation supplements can include:


Electrolytes are minerals and salts that are critical for maintaining muscle function and hydration in the body. Major electrolytes found in the body include:

  • sodium
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • calcium
  • phosphorus

When electrolytes get out of balance due to conditions like heat exhaustion, it can affect how your body works and lead to serious complications. Excessive sweating can also lead to loss of water and electrolytes. Heat exhaustion can result if you don’t drink enough fluids.

This is why replenishing your electrolytes is important after spending time in the heat. You can increase your levels through OTC supplementation or by consuming electrolyte drinks, which you can find in grocery stores.


Magnesium is an essential mineral that can help maintain heart and brain health. It is part of more than 300 enzyme systems in the body that regulate bodily processes such as blood pressure and muscle function.

However, too much heat may cause the body to lose magnesium. In a small 2019 study of 29 people, researchers found that exercising in the heat led to lower magnesium levels. The study recommended supplementing with magnesium before physical activity in hot temperatures.

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Omega-3 fatty acids help provide the body with energy and have anti-inflammatory effects.

There is no evidence to directly support the use of omega-3 fatty acids in heat regulation. Yet its anti-inflammatory properties may help support the body’s overall well-being and ability to cope with the heat. 

Omega-3 fatty acids can be consumed in the form of supplements available OTC or found in foods, such as:

  • fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna
  • flaxseed
  • walnuts
  • chia seeds
  • soybeans

Are heat-regulating supplements effective? 

Dietary supplements do not go through the same Food and Drug Administration (FDA) testing for safety and effectiveness as prescription drugs. This means that supplement manufacturers, not the FDA, are responsible for safety testing and must ensure that all information listed on their labeling is accurate. 

According to the National Institutes of Health, magnesium supplements that dissolve in liquid are absorbed best by the body. Magnesium citrate and magnesium chloride are better absorbed than magnesium oxide or magnesium sulfate. When choosing a supplement, look at the amount of elemental magnesium listed on the label.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that drinking too many sports drinks to get electrolytes during hot weather can increase your calorie intake, as these drinks contain sugar. So the CDC recommends consuming sports drinks after several hours of prolonged sweating. In other cases, eating regular meals and getting enough water should work to maintain electrolyte balance in the heat.

A small 2021 study of 19 people found that electrolytes alone did not increase hydration compared with water alone. Electrolytes were superior to water when combined with a carbohydrate, though. Hydration happened more quickly with the electrolyte and carbohydrate combination, which is similar to what you might find in a sports drink.

Omega-3 fatty acid supplements vary greatly and are available as both plant- and fish-sourced omega-3 supplements. Because of the wide variety of types and amounts of omega-3 supplements, it is important to read product labels.

What lifestyle measures can help? 

Person sat in a park doing yoga to depict treatment options for heat regulation, such as supplements.
FG Trade/Getty Images

During periods of extreme heat, the CDC recommends some steps you can take to help keep your body temperature well-regulated. 

These include:

  • wearing clothing that is loose-fitting and lightweight
  • seeking out air conditioning, such as in a library, mall, or heat relief center if you do not have air conditioning in your home
  • taking a cool shower or bath
  • limiting outdoor activity to the morning and evening, when the sun is at its lowest
  • resting in the shade
  • avoiding exercise in the heat
  • stopping physical exertion if you have trouble breathing
  • seeking out rest or shade in the event of lightheadedness, weakness, or confusion
  • wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen
  • drinking lots of fluids 
  • avoiding sugar and alcohol

It’s also a good idea to look out for those who are at a higher risk for heat-related conditions, such as people who are over age 65 years, infants and young children, and people with chronic medical conditions.

When to speak with a doctor 

Certain medical conditions can affect the way the body regulates temperature and may put a person at high risk for a heat-related condition. Consider speaking with a doctor if you experience a heat-related condition and have a chronic condition, such as:

Before taking supplements, it is important to speak with a doctor about any medications you are taking to avoid possible drug interactions.

Some heat-related conditions require immediate medical attention. This includes:

  • Heatstroke: Call 911 if you or someone else is exhibiting symptoms such as confusion, hot and red skin, or loss of consciousness.
  • Heat exhaustion: Seek medical support immediately if a person is throwing up or their symptoms worsen or last longer than 1 hour.


During moments of extreme heat, your body temperature can fluctuate, which may result in heat-related conditions such as heat stroke and exhaustion.

Dietary supplements can help your body remain hydrated when it is exposed to high levels of heat. Examples include:

  • magnesium
  • electrolytes
  • omega-3 fatty acids

During very warm temperatures, it is also a good idea to stay cool and seek medical attention if you experience any serious symptoms of heat-related conditions.

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