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5 possible causes of gritty feeling eyes

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Dry eyesBlepharitisA styeConjunctivitisScratched corneaTreatmentsSummary
Having something in your eye may make it feel sandy or gritty. However, several conditions can cause this sensation, including dry eyes, conjunctivitis, or a scratched cornea.
Medically reviewed by Grace Zhang, MD
Written by Mathieu Rees
Updated on

Infections, allergies, and eye damage can cause a sandy or gritty feeling in the eyes. Conditions that can cause it include dry eyes, blepharitis, styes, conjunctivitis, and scratched corneas.

Each of these conditions has different causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Understanding what might be causing the sensation can help when seeking treatment.

1. Dry eyes

A person shown from the neck up against a red background rubbing their eyes because they have gritty eyes.
Emma Farrer/Getty Images

Many people will have dry eyes at some point, but others may experience it frequently.

Scientists define dry eye syndrome, or chronic dry eyes, as a lack of tear liquid on the outermost layer of the eyes. There are many causes, including the use of certain medications like antihistamines, diuretics, and corticosteroids. Eczema, Sjögren’s syndrome, and thyroid eye disease can also cause dry eyes.

Besides dryness, dry eyes can cause a gritty sensation. Other possible symptoms of dry eyes include:

  • stinging or burning feeling in the eyes
  • feeling of pressure in the eyes
  • excessive blinking
  • eye redness
  • blurry vision
  • tired eyes

2. Blepharitis

Blepharitis causes inflammation of the eyelids. It can develop due to viral or bacterial infections. It also has links to a condition called meibomian gland disease, which affects the small glands in your eyes. The main symptoms of blepharitis include:

  • a feeling of itching, burning, or crusting of the eyelids
  • excessive tears
  • blurred vision
  • scaling at the base of the eyelashes
  • loss, discoloration, or misdirection of eyelashes 

According to the American Optometric Association, having gritty eyes is a common symptom of blepharitis, possibly caused by the crusting around the eyelids.

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3. A stye

A stye is a painful infection of the eyelids that typically causes a red bump along the eyelash line. Styes can be due to various bacterial infections. One 2023 article indicates that the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus causes roughly 95% of styes, while Staphylococcus epidermidis is the second most common cause of styes.

Stye symptoms include:

  • a swollen eyelid that may have a burning or tender sensation
  • eyelid pain
  • eyelid swelling

The swelling may cause a sensation that you have something in your eye, particularly when it occurs close to the lash line. You might experience this as a gritty feeling in the eye.

4. Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva, a thin membrane that protects your eyes, covering the inside of the eyelid. The conjunctiva also contributes to the mucus that partly makes up your tears.

Viral infections cause around 80% of all acute conjunctivitis instances. However, bacteria are also a common cause, as are allergens, toxins, and fungi. The primary symptoms of this condition are:

  • eye redness
  • eye discharge
  • eye pain
  • eye itching
  • vision changes
  • sensitivity to light (photophobia)

Some people with conjunctivitis report feeling a gritty or sandy texture in their eyes.

5. Scratched cornea

Research suggests that scratched corneas are among the most common eye injuries. The cornea is the see-through protective layer that covers the iris and pupils.

You can damage or scratch your cornea in many ways, including from injury or trauma due to something entering the eye. Sand or other small particles that enter your eye can scratch your cornea. This is more likely to occur if you rub your eyes, which is a natural response to the feeling of something being in your eye.

Prolonged use of contact lenses or using damaged contact lenses can scratch your cornea.

Symptoms of scratched cornea include:

  • eye pain
  • sensitivity to light
  • difficulties opening the eye
  • eye redness
  • excessive tearing
  • vision problems

If you have a scratched cornea, you might think you have a foreign body in your eye. This can feel gritty or sandy.

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Treatment for gritty eyes might involve treating the underlying condition. For instance, you might require antibiotic treatment if you have gritty eyes due to bacterial conjunctivitis.

Your doctor will be able to recommend specific antibiotics. These may include:

  • ciprofloxacin (Cipro), a topical ointment to apply to your eyelid
  • tobramycin (Tobrex), eye drops
  • ofloxacin (Ocuflox), eye drops
  • erythromycin (Romycin), another topical ointment

In some cases, gritty eyes arise due to allergies. Antihistamines are medications that can reduce allergic reactions. There are various medications including:

People with dry eyes may also experience a sensation of grit in their eyes. Artificial tears are eye drops that can help to relieve eye dryness. These contain different ingredients, such as cellulose or gelatin, that help with the symptoms.

Home remedies may also relieve gritty eyes. Placing a warm compress over an affected eye could soothe the eye and reduce this unpleasant sensation.

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When sand or grit enters your eyes, it can cause an uncomfortable feeling. However, this sensation can also occur from other eye conditions that do not involve a foreign body.

Scratched corneas, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, dry eyes, and styes can all cause gritty eyes. Scratched corneas arise due to damaging contact with the cornea, which might be from grit or sand. These other conditions can arise due to allergies, infections, or exposure to toxins.

Medical treatments include antibiotics, antihistamines, and eye drops, but some home remedies, like a warm compress, can help relieve symptoms.

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