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How to get rid of dry cough: 6 remedies

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There are several ways to get rid of a dry cough, including natural remedies such as honey and staying hydrated, as well as over-the-counter (OTC) medications.
Medically reviewed by Dominique Fontaine, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, HWNC-BC
Updated on

The common cold, flu, or asthma can cause a dry cough. It’s one of the ways your body’s immune system protects you against foreign substances.

A cough can be short term or become a chronic condition. It may lead to further symptoms of a sore and itchy throat due to inflamed tissue from excessive use of the throat muscles.

There are many remedies that can effectively treat a dry cough at home in addition to OTC and prescription medications.


Spilt honey on a surface with a honey dipper.
Marc Tran/Stocksy United

Honey can help relieve symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), such as a dry cough associated with a cold and flu.

A 2021 review found that honey was “superior” to usual care treatments for URTIs and may have antibacterial benefits. It can help to soothe a sore throat and decrease the intensity of your cough.

Some people use honey to relieve a dry cough by consuming 1–2 teaspoons on its own or mixing it into warm water and drinking it.

Air humidifier

Dry air can aggravate a dry cough. Consider using a humidifier to keep the air in your home moist and prevent your airways from dehydrating. Having the humidifier on while you’re sleeping can be beneficial, as it provides essential moisture to eliminate nighttime coughing.

Taking a warm shower or sitting in a bathroom with a warm shower running may also help to provide relief from a dry cough.

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Salt water gargle

A dry cough can cause a sore and itchy throat due to inflamed tissue from excessive coughing. Gargling salt water can help reduce this inflammation and lessen the pain of a sore throat.

For a saltwater gargle, mix half a teaspoon of salt in warm water, take a sip, and then gargle the solution. Always ensure you spit out the salt water and don’t swallow it.

Stay hydrated

Ensuring that you drink plenty of fluids can help keep your throat moist and allow it to heal quickly.

Try to drink the recommended 8 glasses of water daily. Or to make it easier, you can also drink warm soups and herbal teas.

Examples of herbal teas that can help soothe a dry cough include:

It’s important not to drink very hot liquids, as they may burn your throat and cause further inflammation.

OTC medications

OTC cough and cold medications are some of the best methods available for the treatment of URTIs. They can help dull your cough reflex and provide some relief.

Commonly used OTC methods include:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be a great method in helping to reduce chest pain and fever associated with colds and flu. Examples of NSAIDs include:

NSAIDs can be one of the quickest methods of helping to relieve cough symptoms. In most cases, they will begin working within a few hours.

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Antitussive cough syrup

Antitussives are medications that contain active ingredients such as dextromethorphan and menthol. They work to temporarily decrease activity in the brain that controls the cough reflex.

Examples of antitussive syrups include Robitussin and Benylin.

It’s important to remember that doctors don’t recommend this medication for young children. Instead, you should talk with a pediatrician to determine the best treatment for your child with a dry cough.

Some antitussive medications cannot be brought over the counter and are available by prescription only.

Prescription medications

Other options for treating a dry cough include prescription medications in the instances where OTC medication and other remedies are not helping your cough.


A qualified healthcare professional may recommend antibiotics if you have a bacterial infection. Amoxicillin (Amoxil) is usually the first antibiotic used, but healthcare professionals may also prescribe the following medications:

It’s important always to take every dose of an antibiotic and not stop part way through treatment when you start to feel better.

Inhalers and nebulizers

In some instances, a qualified healthcare professional may prescribe an inhaler or a nebulizer to help open your airways and relieve a persistent cough.

Both an inhaler and nebulizer work by turning liquid medication into mist. An inhaler is a small handheld device that you can use more easily, while a nebulizer is a larger electric or battery-powered machine.

While both can be effective, most will find an inhaler easier and more accessible. It’s also the preferred method for children. A healthcare professional can help determine if this treatment method may be best for you.

When to see a doctor

The common cold is the most usual cause of a cough and doesn’t typically require a visit to the doctor. However, you should talk with a qualified healthcare professional if your cough lasts longer than 2 weeks or keeps coming back, or if any other serious symptoms are present, such as:

  • unexplained weight loss
  • chest pain or tightness
  • shortness of breath
  • coughing up blood
  • dizziness
  • fever


A dry cough can be uncomfortable and last for days. Through the use of natural remedies, OTC medications, or prescription medications, you can help treat your dry cough quickly and effectively.

A cough can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, which is why it’s important to talk with a qualified healthcare professional to help determine the right treatment for your cough.

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