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Does vaping cause high blood pressure?

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Is there a conncection?Risk factorsVaping vs. cigarettesDoes quitting vaping lower blood pressure?Medication optionsSupportSummary
Research has found that vaping can cause high blood pressure. Stopping vaping can help decrease your levels and lower your chances of developing heart disease or stroke.
Medically reviewed by Nick Villalobos, MD
Written by Cathy Lovering
Updated on

Vapes, also known as electronic cigarettes, are devices that heat nicotine and flavoring to create an aerosol that you inhale. Many people think that vaping is less harmful than smoking tobacco cigarettes and use them as a substitute to simulate smoking tobacco.

However, vaping can still have harmful effects on the body, including causing high blood pressure and an increased heart rate. Most of the existing research concerns vaping nicotine products, although vapes can also contain other substances. 

Stopping vaping can help decrease your blood pressure levels and lower your chances of developing heart disease or stroke.

Is there a link between vaping and high blood pressure? 

Male sitting at a table and vaping to depict whether vaping can cause high blood pressure.
JulPo/Getty Images

Recent evidence shows that vaping can increase your blood pressure. In a 2022 study, people who used electronic nicotine delivery devices had greater increases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to nonsmokers. The impact on blood pressure was similar to that of smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes. 

Another 2021 study found that those who vaped had a 31% greater risk of developing high blood pressure compared to those who did not vape.

In a 2023 scientific statement, the American Heart Association (AHA) noted that large studies have focused on younger adults. The AHA says longer-term studies of people of all ages are necessary to determine the connection between heart symptoms and vaping.

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What are the risk factors of vaping?

There are several health risks of vaping. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaping is not safe for youth or adults who do not currently smoke.

The health risks cited by the CDC include:

  • e-cigarette aerosols can contain potentially cancer-causing chemicals and particles that reach into the lungs
  • nicotine can harm youth and young adult brain development
  • acute nicotine exposure through e-cigarette liquid can be toxic
  • if you are pregnant, nicotine is addictive and can harm a developing fetus

These risks are in addition to the potential impacts on blood pressure and heart health that vaping can cause.

Is vaping worse than cigarettes?

There is no conclusive research confirming that vaping is less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes. 

The AHA notes that many people view vaping as a way to quit smoking. However, according to the AHA, research does not yet support that vaping is an effective way to quit. Most people who start vaping also continue to smoke. This is called “dual use.”

A 2022 study concluded that e-cigarettes and smoking might have similar heart risks but through different biological mechanisms in the body. The study suggests this is why dual use poses a greater risk of harm than either vaping or smoking alone. 

Will quitting vaping lower blood pressure?

A 2020 review of studies found e-cigarettes with or without nicotine caused a short-term rise in blood pressure. A cohort study from 2021 showed stopping smoking brought down blood pressure. The reduction was greater among those who had hypertension. 

According to the AHA, high blood pressure due to nicotine starts to go down within 20 minutes of stopping smoking. 

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Medication for high blood pressure

Usually, managing high blood pressure involves regular home monitoring of blood pressure levels, lifestyle measures like healthy eating, and taking prescription medications.

A doctor may recommend many classes of drugs to manage blood pressure. Some of these include:

There are also combination medications available for high blood pressure that contain more than one drug.

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Finding the support to quit

The AHA offers several tips to quit vaping and smoking. They include:

  • choosing a “quit day.” On this date, you can quit vaping altogether. You can also gradually reduce the number of times you vape per day until you are down to 0 
  • having a supply of healthy snacks available, like sugar-free mints and chewing gum
  • finding enjoyable ways to fill the time when you might vape, such as doing a hobby or taking a walk
  • disposing of all tobacco products and supplies in your home, car, and office

You might also find nicotine replacement products can help you quit vaping. It is a good idea to speak with a doctor about these products or any other non-nicotine prescription medications before taking them. A doctor can advise you on your options.

To get other support to quit vaping and smoking, you can visit the North American Quitline Consortium. This provides a list of toll-free numbers and websites where you can get help in your state. You can also visit or call 1-800-QUIT-NOW.


Recent evidence shows that vaping can raise blood pressure levels. The effects are similar to smoking traditional combustible cigarettes. You can reduce your blood pressure by stopping smoking.

A doctor might also recommend prescription medicines to lower blood pressure. You can get support to stop vaping and smoking through government websites like 

Download the free Optum Perks Discount Card to save up to 80% on some prescription medications.

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