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Does albuterol break up mucus?

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How it worksWhat it helps withSide effectsOther medicationsSummary
Albuterol is a drug that helps manage asthma symptoms by relaxing the muscles in the airways. This can make it easier to cough and bring up mucus and phlegm.
Medically reviewed by Madeline Knott, MD
Written by D. M. Pollock
Updated on

Albuterol is a generic liquid medication that helps relax the airways. Doctors refer to these medications as bronchodilators. They often prescribe them to people with difficulty breathing. The branded form of albuterol is called ProAir.

While this medication does not directly help loosen and get rid of mucus, it does make it easier to cough up mucus due to the newly relaxed airways.

How does albuterol work?

An older adult using an albuterol inhaler, which does not break up mucus.
F.J. Jimenez/Getty Images

Albuterol (Proair) is a type of liquid medication doctors often prescribe for people to take with an inhaler. People can also take it as an oral tablet or liquid solution. It belongs to a group of medications called beta-2 agonists.

These medications work by stimulating receptors in the muscles that line your airways, known as beta-2 receptors. This causes these muscles to relax and lets the airways widen and dilate, making breathing easier.

They also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the smooth muscle in your airways, which can further enhance your breathing.

Even though these effects make it easier for you to cough and shift mucus productively, the medication itself does not break up mucus in your airways.

What can it help with?

Albuterol has approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the prevention and treatment of asthma attacks and other effects of bronchoconstriction.

Bronchoconstriction, which doctors may also refer to as bronchospasm, is the tightening of the airways. It causes less oxygen to flow in and out of the lungs.

The following factors can trigger bronchospasm:

Asthma is one of the most common causes of bronchospasm, meaning this medication helps manage asthma symptoms.

According to the FDA, people receiving treatment for asthma using medication that includes albuterol saw a 28% reduced risk of experiencing a severe asthma attack compared with their risk at the time of initial diagnosis.

Medications with albuterol can also help treat other breathing-restrictive health conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). This is because albuterol helps relieve wheezing and breathlessness, which are common symptoms of COPD.

A doctor may recommend you take this medication through an inhaler or nebulizer, depending on the severity of your symptoms or condition.

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Side effects

The most common side effects of albuterol medications are nervousness and shaking. These are most likely to occur in children ages 2–6 but can happen at any age.

Trouble sleeping and nausea are other possible side effects of albuterol that occur in approximately 1 in 10 people taking the drug.

Less common potential side effects include:

If you experience any of the following side effects, you should seek emergency medical attention as soon as possible:

  • Serious allergic reactions: You may notice hives, skin rashes, or worsening of your breathing problems.
  • Heart problems: You may notice a faster heart rate and feel dizzy or lightheaded.
  • Skin reactions: Children can experience burning sensations or itchy skin, but this is rare.

People with any of the following health conditions should avoid taking albuterol:

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Alternative medications

Some people may be unable to take albuterol. For example, if you have epilepsy, it can worsen your seizures.

Alternative medications to albuterol can provide the same short-term relief for restricted breathing due to bronchospasm.

These are mostly other beta-agonist medications, including:

These medications all come as aerosols so that people can administer them through an inhaler.

If you’re looking for a medication that breaks up your mucus, you may consider speaking with a doctor about expectorants. Guaifenesin (Mucinex) thins mucus and makes it less sticky, allowing it to break down more easily.

Mucolytic medications like acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) can also help break up mucus in the throat and help with managing COPD.


Albuterol is a beta-2 agonist medication that helps relieve symptoms of asthma and COPD by relaxing the muscles in your airways. This makes it easier to breathe and cough.

Although this relaxation makes coughing and moving mucus in your airways easier, albuterol does not break up mucus and phlegm.

Medications that can break up mucus include expectorants and mucolytics.

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