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Cod liver oil vs. fish oil: What’s the difference?

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Cod liver usesFish oil usesSafetyRecommended dosageOther treatment optionsSummary
Fish and cod liver oils come from different sources, but they can both add to your daily omega-3 intake. Cod liver oil is derived from codfish, while fish oil comes from other oily fish species.
Medically reviewed by Katherine Marengo LDN, R.D.
Written by D. M. Pollock
Updated on

Although they are similar, cod liver oil and fish oil are two different dietary supplements. They each have unique benefits. For example, cod liver oil contains specific vitamins that fish oil lacks.

Generally, fish oil and cod liver oil both help increase your daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Your body is unable to make its own omega-3 fatty acids, so it is important that you include enough of them in your diet.

The two “good” omega-3s you need are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They can be found in both cod liver oil and fish oil, just in different amounts.

Omega-3 fatty acids help support a variety of your body’s processes. They support your:

What can cod liver oil be used for?

A tipped over orange pill bottle with fish oil pills scattered around it.
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Along with both types of healthy omega-3s — EPA and DHA — cod liver oil contains two very important fat-soluble vitamins.

  • Vitamin A: This vitamin is essential for maintaining healthy eyes, skin, and brain function, especially in growing children between the ages of 1 and 5 years. Vitamin A is also important in helping prevent age-related damage to your skin.
  • Vitamin D: Cod liver oil also contains high amounts of vitamin D. It can help support bone health and boosts your immunity.  

Both vitamins A and D are antioxidants. This means that they can help prevent health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.

Cod liver oil has several other benefits and may help:

  • reduce inflammation, due to its combination of omega-3s and vitamins
  • support a healthy immune system
  • lower blood pressure
  • reduce pain from arthritis
  • lower your levels of LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol while increasing the ‘”good” HDL cholesterol
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What can fish oil be used for?

Fish oil comes from various parts of several different oily fish species. As a result, fish oil contains more omega-3 fatty acids than cod liver oil.

But fish oil doesn’t contain any of the vitamins that cod liver oil does. So if you want the extra benefits of these vitamins, you should take cod liver oil supplements instead.

A typical fish oil supplement contains about 180 milligrams (mg) of EPA and 120 mg of DHA, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Getting your omega-3s directly from eating fish is healthier than taking supplements. Fish oil can be the best alternative if you don’t eat fish, though.

Fish oil has several benefits and may help:

  • boost cognition, by supplementing the fat content of your brain
  • prevent mental health conditions
  • support skin health and help manage conditions like dermatitis
  • boost liver function
  • support fetal development

Is it safe to take cod liver oil and fish oil?

Both cod liver oil and fish oil are common supplements that many people take. They are generally safe for most people, but it is still a good idea to talk with a doctor before you start taking them.

You may want to avoid fish oil and cod liver oil supplements in certain situations:

  • If you or your child have an allergy to fish and shellfish, it is unclear whether fish oil and cod liver oil are safe for you to take.
  • If you are taking medication that prevents blood clotting, you may want to avoid fish oil and cod oil.

Some mild side effects that you may experience from taking these supplements include:

  • unpleasant aftertaste
  • headaches
  • nausea
  • diarrhea

Cod liver oil contains high levels of vitamin A. It also occurs naturally in several foods. The recommended dietary allowance for adults ages 19 years and older is 900 micrograms (mcg) of retinol activity equivalents (RAE) for males (equivalent to 3,000 IU) and 700 mcg RAE for females (equivalent to 2,333 IU).

If you are pregnant, it is important to check with a doctor before taking these oils, as high vitamin A levels can harm the fetus.

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Taking fish oil and cod liver oil can allow you to get the omega-3 fatty acids you need without the harmful mercury that can be present in fresh fish. Supplements are available as capsules or liquid tinctures.

There is no standard amount of EPAs or DHAs in fish and cod liver oil supplements, so you should read the labels of the supplements you buy. It can be helpful to compare how much of each supplement a day you would need to take to equal eating a portion of oily fish.

If you are unsure how much omega-3 you should take, consider speaking with a doctor.

Both supplements contain omega-3s, so you only need to take one of these oils. If you want the benefits of vitamins A and D, it is advisable to take cod liver oil.

When buying fish oil and cod liver oil supplements, it may be a good idea to ask a doctor for brands they recommend. Pure supplements of high quality may be generally more effective.

Other treatment options

If you are lacking in omega-3s, this can sometimes lead to several symptoms or health conditions. A doctor may suggest taking medication to directly aid these conditions in combination with omega-3 supplements. Examples include:

  • Vitamin D deficiency: If you lack vitamin D, you may experience symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss, and bone pain. A healthcare professional may prescribe vitamin D deficiency medication, such as ergocalciferol (Drisdol, Calciferol).
  • Depression: Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to help with depression symptoms when used in combination with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as:
  • Cardiovascular disease: Omega-3 fatty acids and other antioxidants can help reduce the risk associated with this condition. Examples of medications for cardiovascular diseases include acebutolol (Sectral) and atenolol (Tenormin).

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Fish oil and cod liver oil supplements can help you increase your daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help support your brain function and many other of your body’s systems.

Those who want to increase their omega-3s during pregnancy should be aware of the vitamin content in cod liver oil supplements, as it may be harmful to the fetus.

While these two supplements are similar, their possible risks can differ. Cod liver oil contains vitamins that can have side effects if you exceed the daily limits.

If you are unsure which oil will be the most beneficial for you and what dosage is appropriate, consider speaking with a healthcare professional.

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