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Can narcolepsy be cured?

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Current researchCan narcolepsy be cured?TreatmentOutlookSummary
There is currently no cure for narcolepsy, although it is possible to enter remission. Current research is exploring new medications that could result in reduced symptoms.
Medically reviewed by Thomas Johnson, PA-C
Updated on

Narcolepsy is a condition that can result in excessive sleepiness and cause you to suddenly fall asleep at random periods throughout the day. It is often caused by a low amount of hypocretin, a chemical found in the brain. This can be the result of an overactive immune system attacking the cells that regulate your sleeping pattern.

Although autoimmune conditions and genetics may play a role, the exact cause of narcolepsy is unknown. A traumatic brain injury can also lead to narcolepsy in some cases. 

While there is no cure for narcolepsy, extensive research is being carried out to determine the underlying cause of the condition.

Current research

An image of someone emptying narcolepsy medication into their palm.
Photography by Lock Stock/Getty Images

Several new developments in pharmaceutical medications can help put narcolepsy into remission. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved two drugs in 2019 that are meant to provide new lines of treatment for narcolepsy. These are:

  • pitolisant (Wakix), which uses histamine to control the areas of the brain that regulate sleep and wakefulness
  • solriamfetol (Sunosi), which targets dopamine and norepinephrine, chemicals in the brain that can help control sleep and wakefulness

Another new avenue for treatment is under investigation for people with both attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, conditions that have been known to occur together.

A 2020 study looked at the benefits of iron supplements in alleviating symptoms for those experiencing these co-occurring conditions. However, further research is still needed.

Can narcolepsy be cured?

For a health condition to be cured, there must be a high degree of certainty that the symptoms will not return. Since doctors cannot yet say that about narcolepsy, they use the term “in remission” rather than “cured.”

To find a cure for narcolepsy, researchers need to understand the underlying cause better. That’s why current research is mainly focused on the genetic factors of the condition.

A 2020 study looked at how the neuronal circuits responsible for brain function enable us to switch between states of sleep or wakefulness rapidly. The study concluded that identifying how this circuit activity arises could help us find a cure for narcolepsy.

Treatment options 

Narcolepsy can be managed with central nervous system (CNS) stimulants, which can often be the first-line treatment against excessive daytime sleepiness.

Examples of CNS stimulants include:

Other medications, such as CNS depressants, may also be prescribed. They work by slowing brain activity and can be beneficial for those with sleep disorders. Examples include:

Both ADHD and narcolepsy are the result of similar irregularities in neurotransmitters. This means that some of the same medications, such as amphetamine (Adderall), are prescribed for both conditions.

Narcolepsy medications are recommended in combination with important lifestyle measures, such as regularly scheduled naps and good sleep habits. Examples of good sleep practices include:

  • going to bed and waking up at the same time
  • avoiding alcohol and caffeine several hours before bed
  • keeping pre-bedtime meals light
  • avoiding light from technology and electronics before sleeping
  • engaging in relaxing activities before bed
  • keeping a cool, dark bedroom 

It may also be helpful to exercise daily, as this can help the body defend against daytime sleepiness. 

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Though the condition can affect your quality of life, having a good treatment plan consisting of medication and lifestyle measures can help you manage symptoms.

Currently, there are several lines of treatment available that may help improve narcolepsy symptoms and even bring about a state of remission. Being in remission is defined as an absence of symptoms for a period of 6 months or more. However, there is always the chance the symptoms can reoccur.

It may take time to establish the right medication for you, understand side effects, and incorporate lifestyle measures. However, it is possible to mitigate the impact of this condition.


Though there is no cure for narcolepsy, a wide range of medications and lifestyle changes can be used to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

If you find that narcolepsy is interfering with your day-to-day life, consider speaking with a healthcare professional who can help you identify the best treatment plan.

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