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What’s the best antihistamine for cat allergies?

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CausesSymptomsDrowsinessLiving with a cat and allergiesSummary
Zyrtec, Benadryl, and Claritin are some of the most common antihistamines for cat allergies. These medications can improve cat allergy symptoms like sneezing and itching.
Medically reviewed by Ami Patel PharmD, BCPS
Updated on

You may be unaware of having a cat allergy until you get your first pet. Cat and pet allergies can cause symptoms such as sneezing and itching.

But most people with this condition can treat their allergy symptoms with antihistamines and keep living happily with their pets.

What causes cat allergies?

Black and white cat sitting among some flowers with one paw outstretched depicting best antihistamine for cat allergies
Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty Images

Cat allergies are not a common reaction. Your immune system can react to allergens cats produce through the sebaceous or oil glands in their skin and salivary glands in the mouth.

The primary cause of cat allergy is an allergen called Fel d 1. When grooming, this sticky protein found in cat fur can spread throughout the environment in which cats live.

Symptoms of a cat or pet allergy

The symptoms of cat or pet allergy can range from mild to severe. These may include:

  • sneezing
  • itchy nose
  • runny or blocked nose
  • postnasal drip
  • itchy eyes
  • red eyes
  • coughing

If you have a cat or pet allergy, you may not experience all of these symptoms. Sometimes, you may not even realize your symptoms are linked to your pet.

Which types of antihistamines are best for cat allergies?

Doctors may recommend antihistamines for treating pet allergies. These medications are available as oral tablets or nasal spray solutions.

You can buy over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines to relieve pet allergy symptoms. But if you have moderate to severe symptoms, you may need prescription antihistamines to improve your allergy.

A doctor can recommend the most appropriate treatment based on the severity of your allergy and health conditions.


Prescription antihistamines for pet allergies may include:


Nonprescription antihistamine drugs for pet allergies may include:

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Why do some antihistamines make you sleepy?

Some antihistamines can cause drowsiness as a side effect. This is because histamines play an important role in the sleep-wake cycle.

Antihistamines block certain histamine functions. This prevents histamines from carrying out their tasks, making you feel sleepy.

For reduced drowsiness

You may use less-sedating antihistamines to treat cat allergy symptoms. These types of antihistamines reduce drowsiness and effectively treat symptoms. These medications may include:

You can also take a 24-hour antihistamine before going to sleep, allowing the drowsiness to wear off by the time you wake up. The above medications often have 24-hour versions.

For some antihistamines, taking them before sleeping may cause vivid dreams. But as medications affect people differently, it may be best to speak with your healthcare professional about trying different options.

Can you suddenly develop a cat allergy?

If you’ve lived with a cat in the past without developing allergic symptoms, it’s possible to develop cat allergies later in life.

You can suddenly develop a cat allergy when you’re exposed to a new cat later. Exposure to a new cat could trigger a response from your immune system and develop into an allergy.

Living with a cat if you have an allergy

If you have a cat allergy and live with a cat, you may need to take steps to lower your risk of exposure to cat allergens. This may include:

  • wearing gloves when you brush your cat
  • brushing your cat outside your house
  • washing your hands after touching your cat
  • using a vacuum cleaner with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter
  • not letting your cat entering in your bedroom
  • increasing the ventilation in the rooms of your house
  • regularly washing your cat’s bedding
  • regularly bathing your cat to reduce the dander

It’s also important to take your medications regularly to manage cat allergy symptoms.


Cat and pet allergies can cause mild to severe symptoms, including sneezing, itching, and a runny or blocked nose. You can suddenly develop cat allergies, even if you’ve lived with a cat for years, without having any symptoms.

You can take antihistamines to treat cat and pet allergy symptoms. Nonprescription medications are commonly available for less severe symptoms. But doctors may recommend taking prescription antihistamines for moderate to severe allergy symptoms.

Taking antihistamines may cause side effects, including drowsiness. However, nonsedating antihistamines are also available for people who want to stay awake and avoid sleepiness after taking their medications.

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