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How many steps should I take a day? 10k vs. 15k

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10k vs. 15kHow many miles in 15k?How to increase your stepsSummary
General advice is that most adults should aim for 10,000 steps a day. Still, some experts recommend 15,000 steps if you are trying to lose weight or manage high blood pressure levels.
Medically reviewed by Micky Lal, MA, CSCS,RYT
Written by Anisha Mansuri
Updated on

We’ve all heard that we should be aiming to walk 10,000 steps a day for optimal health.

Still, some experts suggest that including an additional 5,000 steps into our day could help reduce the risk of certain health conditions and improve our overall mental and physical well-being.

It’s important to remember that how many steps you should aim for per day depends on your individual circumstances, such as your age, health history, and current fitness levels.

It may feel challenging to hit a certain amount of steps each day, particularly when you have other responsibilities such as working, studying, or family commitments.

But adding extra steps into your routine can help make this goal easier, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or taking a further parking spot than usual.

10k vs 15k steps: What are the benefits?

Older female walking on a treadmill with bookshelves on the wall behind her.
Photography by LeoPatrizi/Getty Images

While we’re all used to hearing that we should aim for 10,000 steps a day, some experts suggest that 15,000 steps may be more beneficial for our physical and psychological well-being.

In a 2017 study, researchers analyzed a group of postal workers in Glasgow, Scotland, who carried mail by foot and those who had office-based jobs and sat for most of the day.

The results showed that the postal workers who spent most of the day being sedentary had larger waistlines, inadequate blood sugar, and high cholesterol levels than those who frequently walked around and actively delivered mail.

The study also suggested that nearly any amount of standing or walking reduced a worker’s chances of having the precursors to heart disease, which include a bigger waistline.

Still, the most significant benefits were among the most active postal workers. Those who walked for more than 3 hours a day and covered at least 15,000 steps had a lower cardiovascular risk.

Essentially, this meant that they didn’t have a heightened risk of obtaining heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the United States.

While 10,000 steps a day is a great fitness goal, experts suggest we need the extra 5,000 to benefit our health and promote well-being.

How many miles is in 15k?

Walking 15,000 steps equates to roughly 7 miles of walking a day. This may differ slightly depending on your height and stride length.

On average, it can take around 20 minutes to walk 1 mile. This means it can take about 2 hours and 20 minutes to walk 7 miles or 15,000 steps.

Walking can be a great way to work out, especially for those who would prefer not to go to the gym or don’t want to engage in exercise that is physically demanding on the knees and joints.

Walking can also reduce your risk of heart disease.

How to get more steps into your day

While it may sound challenging to walk 15,000 steps a day, adding extra steps into your routine can help make this goal easier.

It can be beneficial to remember that not all of your steps have to be achieved at once. Several ways you can add extra steps to your schedule include:

  • breaking up your steps. Consider taking a short walk before work or during your lunch break. This can also keep you feeling regularly refreshed throughout the day.
  • hopping on the treadmill to get some extra steps in
  • walking to the water cooler and back. Doing this frequently can not only boost your step count but also ensure you stay hydrated.
  • taking your dog for a walk. This can be a great way to schedule more movement into your day. You may decide to take your dog out first thing in the morning before work or perhaps for an evening walk to catch the sunset.
  • inviting your friends for a stroll around town.
  • taking the stairs instead of the elevator wherever possible
  • teaming up with a walking buddy or scheduling weekend family walks
  • choosing the furthest parking spot whenever you run an errand
  • setting alarms throughout the day as a reminder to get some steps in, even if it’s just once around the office

While walking is a great way to increase your step count, you can also try several other exercises, such as running, dancing, or jogging.


While we’re all used to hearing that we should aim for 10,000 steps a day, some experts suggest that 15,000 steps may be more beneficial for our physical and mental health.

Walking 15,000 steps equates to roughly 7 miles of walking a day. This may differ slightly depending on your height and stride length.

While it may sound challenging to walk 15,000 steps a day, it can be helpful to schedule time for walking. This could include:

  • going on a walk before work or during your lunch break
  • taking your dog on a walk
  • getting on the treadmill while watching your favorite TV show
  • taking a stroll with friends or family members

It’s important to remember that how many steps you should aim for per day depends on your individual circumstances, such as your age, health history, and current fitness levels.

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