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Safest antihistamines for long-term use: 5 options

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CetirizineLoratadineFexofenadineDesloratadineLevocetirizineSpeaking with a doctorSummary
Antihistamines can help relieve allergy symptoms like sneezing and itching. If you are taking antihistamines long term, some options may be safer than others.
Medically reviewed by Philip Ngo, PharmD
Written by Rashida Ruwa, RN
Updated on

Antihistamine medications can help improve allergy symptoms like sneezing, itching, and a runny nose. The medication works by blocking histamine, a chemical your immune system releases during an allergic reaction.

Healthcare professionals often prescribe antihistamines to manage allergies and allergic reactions. Certain antihistamines are safer than others due to the reduced chance of side effects and dependence, making them more suitable for long-term use.

Some of the safest antihistamines for long-term use include:

Cetirizine (Zyrtec)

Person gardening and cutting flowers to depict the safest antihistamine options for long term use.
Cara Brostrom/Stocksy United

Cetirizine (Zyrtec) is a second-generation antihistamine doctors commonly prescribe to treat urticaria (hives) and inflammation in the nose. It works by blocking histamine, a substance released during an allergic reaction, which helps relieve allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and runny nose.

Although cetirizine is well-tolerated, possible side effects may include:

However, drowsiness is less common with cetirizine than with first-generation antihistamines.

Cetirizine’s long-term benefits include its effectiveness in relieving various allergy symptoms, such as itching and sneezing. The effects also last for a long time, providing prolonged relief from allergies.

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Loratadine (Claritin)

Loratadine (Claritin) is also a second-generation antihistamine that can help manage allergies and is available over the counter. It works by blocking the action of histamine to relieve allergy symptoms.

Loratadine is generally well-tolerated, with few side effects reported. Side effects may include:

  • headaches
  • stomach upset
  • dizziness 

Loratadine is considered a non-drowsy antihistamine, making it suitable for daytime use without significantly affecting alertness or daily activities.

It also effectively manages allergies by relieving nasal congestion, sneezing, and itchy, watery eyes. Its effects last for a long time, providing relief for up to 24 hours with a single dose.

Fexofenadine (Allegra)

Fexofenadine (Allegra) is a third-generation antihistamine that can help treat chronic itching and seasonal allergies. It can also improve symptoms resulting from an overactive immune response.

It is one of the least sedating second-generation antihistamines, making it a safe option for long-term use if you take it as your doctor prescribes.

While fexofenadine is generally well-tolerated, a few possible side effects may occur, although they are rare. These can include:

If any of these symptoms persist or worsen, consider talking with a healthcare professional.

Long-term use of fexofenadine can help decrease allergy symptoms, enabling you to carry out your daily activities without issues. 

It also does not affect thinking or movement, making it a suitable option if you need to stay alert and focused.

Desloratadine (Clarinex)

Desloratadine (Clarinex) is a third-generation antihistamine that works by blocking the action of histamine and treating the nasal and non-nasal symptoms of seasonal allergies such as sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes. It can also treat chronic urticaria, a type of itchy skin rash.

When used as directed, desloratadine is generally well-tolerated with minimal side effects. The most common side effects include dry mouth and fatigue.

However, these side effects are usually mild and don’t happen often. Unlike older antihistamines, desloratadine has a lower chance of causing drowsiness, which allows you to continue your daily activities without feeling excessively tired. 

Desloratadine can provide effective and long lasting relief from allergy symptoms, improving overall quality of life.

Levocetirizine (Xyzal)

Levocetirizine, also known by its brand name Xyzal, is an antihistamine belonging to the third-generation drug class. Doctors prescribe it for symptoms of hives on the skin and hay fever. 

Levocetirizine works by preventing the release of allergy chemicals and relieving allergy symptoms.

The most common side effects include:

  • fatigue
  • drowsiness
  • weakness 
  • urinary retention

Drowsiness is less common with levocetirizine compared with other second-generation antihistamine medications, allowing you to go about your daily activities without feeling excessively tired or drowsy. 

Although levocetirizine is considered safe for long-term use, it can be helpful to talk with a healthcare professional before use, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications. This can also help avoid any possible drug interactions.

When to speak with a doctor

While certain antihistamines are considered safe for long-term use, you can consider speaking with a healthcare professional if:

  • you have underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications
  • you are taking other medications
  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding or chestfeeding
  • you experience persistent or severe allergy symptoms despite using over-the-counter antihistamines
  • you are unsure about the suitability of a particular antihistamine for your condition

A healthcare professional can assess your medical history, including any specific allergies, other medications you may be taking, and any underlying medical conditions that may affect the safety and effectiveness of your antihistamine treatment. 

They can also offer guidance on dosage, potential side effects, and interactions with other medications. Speaking with a healthcare professional can help ensure you choose the safest antihistamine for your condition.


When selecting the safest antihistamine for long-term use, it’s important to consider the possible side effects.

Non-drowsy options like loratadine and cetirizine are among the safest choices for long-term allergy relief. Both medications work by blocking the effects of histamine, and people generally tolerate them well.

While side effects such as headaches, dry mouth, and drowsiness may occur, they are typically mild and less common than older antihistamines. However, consider talking with a healthcare professional before starting any antihistamine to determine which option will be the most effective for your symptoms.

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