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What to know about Prozac for dogs

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DefinitionUsesSide effectsBenefitsSummary
Prozac is sometimes prescribed off label for dogs to relieve symptoms of separation anxiety, panic attacks, and aggression.
Medically reviewed by Vincent J. Tavella DVM, MPH
Written by Suan Pineda
Updated on

Doctors use fluoxetine, an antidepressant, to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and people with eating disorders. 

Doctors have prescribed it in humans in generic form and under the brand name Prozac for decades. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it for use in dogs and cats to treat separation anxiety and other behavioral issues under the brand name Reconcile.

Fluoxetine in dogs can have many benefits, but it can also have some side effects. It can have different effects on them than in humans. If your dog’s vet has not prescribed it, do not give Prozac to your dog.

What is Prozac?

A small dog sleeping across its owner's lap. It may take Prozac for dogs.
Photography by Gollykim/Getty Images

Prozac is the brand name for the medication that contains the active ingredient fluoxetine. Fluoxetine is a type of antidepressant called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that helps increase the levels of serotonin in the brain.

Serotonin is a natural chemical that regulates several functions in our bodies, such as sleep, bowel movements, and mood. Doctors often use it to treat depression, alongside other mood disorders.

The brand name drug Prozac is FDA-approved for use in humans. Historically, doctors have also used fluoxetine off label for pets to treat behavioral problems like aggression. Off label means that the FDA hasn’t approved it for this use, but doctors may still prescribe it as it can have some benefits.

It is still used off label in the generic form and under the brand Prozac to treat these same behavioral issues.

But now, fluoxetine is FDA-approved for dogs under the brand name Reconcile to treat separation anxiety, one of the most common behavioral diagnoses in dogs.

In dogs, fluoxetine works much in the same way — it increases the levels of serotonin in their brains. This helps reduce anxiety, stress, as well as aggression in dogs. Separation anxiety and stress in dogs can present as the following symptoms:

  • excessive barking
  • peeing and pooping where they shouldn’t
  • drooling
  • destructive behavior
  • hiding

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What is it used for?

Veterinarians mainly use fluoxetine in dogs to treat separation anxiety. The brand name drug Reconcile is specifically approved for use in dogs to treat separation anxiety. But your dog’s vet may use the medication off label to treat other conditions, such as:

  • general anxiety
  • phobias, such as fear of noise
  • aggression
  • other behavioral problems like excessive barking

Your dog’s veterinarian may prescribe generic fluoxetine or the branded form Prozac off label, or they may prescribe the dog-specific brand Reconcile. According to a survey, vets commonly prescribe generic fluoxetine, followed by Reconcile, and then finally Prozac.

Follow the vet’s instructions and give the medication only as instructed. 

Fluoxetine or Prozac for people usually comes in capsule form and in different strengths: 10 milligrams (mg), 20 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg, or 90 mg.

Fluoxetine for dogs under the brand names Reconcile or Prozac is usually given as a chewable tablet, and its strength is determined by the dog’s body weight.

You cannot give your dog the fluoxetine that was prescribed for you. This is because it might not be the correct dosage, and you could endanger your dog’s health. You should not take the fluoxetine prescribed for your dog as this could lead to adverse reactions.

The dose and dosage for your dog will depend on their breed, size, and weight, as well as the condition it’s prescribed to treat. The vet may prescribe fluoxetine to dogs once or twice per day with or without food.

Some dogs stay on the medication long-term, but you should make sure your pet takes the medication for at least a few weeks before deciding whether it works for them. Some research found that the studied dogs improved after 4 weeks of treatment, but they were considered fully responsive after 8 weeks.

 A vet can work with you to determine the best treatment plan for your pet.

You can give the medication to your dog wrapped in soft food, like a piece of meat or cheese, if this makes it easier for your dog to consume it.

Risks and side effects

Fluoxetine can cause side effects in your pup. These include:

  • sleepiness
  • lack of appetite
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • panting
  • restlessness
  • shaking
  • whining

Some of these side effects may be more prominent in the first few weeks after starting the medication, but they might resolve as your dog adjusts to the medication.

There are some serious but rare side effects, such as:

  • seizures
  • aggression
  • persistent or excessive vomiting


The main benefit of fluoxetine should be a reduction in symptoms. If it’s prescribed to treat separation anxiety, this could look like less stress when you leave your dog alone, manifesting as less barking, less distress, and more calmness.

When vets use it to treat aggression, research finds a significant improvement after 1 month of treatment with fluoxetine.

A 2022 case study examined fluoxetine in combination with behavioral therapy and another medication (α-s1 casozepine) in a dog exhibiting obsessive-compulsive behavior. As per the study, fluoxetine led to a reduction in compulsive behaviors.

All these benefits can help your beloved pet feel less distressed and help you feel more confident in leaving them alone for a short while, taking them out in public, or without the fear of them becoming aggressive.


Fluoxetine (Prozac) is an antidepressant that doctors use to treat depression, anxiety, OCD, and people with eating disorders.

Vets use it off label in dogs to manage symptoms of phobias, OCD, and aggression. It’s been FDA-approved to treat separation anxiety under the brand name Reconcile.

Experts caution not to give your dog medication prescribed to humans or to take fluoxetine prescribed for your dog. Doses and some formulations may differ, and you could harm your dog or yourself.

If your dog is experiencing stress and anxiety, talk with your dog’s vet to figure out the best options to manage the symptoms.

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