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Humidity and asthma: What is the link?

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Effects of humidityHow to manageAsthma treatmentSummary
Humidity might worsen asthma symptoms by irritating airways and increasing allergens in the air. Keeping your home cool and dry — for instance, with the help of a dehumidifier — may help.
Medically reviewed by Thomas Johnson, PA-C
Updated on

Asthma is a long-term lung condition where your airways are inflamed and swollen. It often begins in childhood, but it can affect people of all ages.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) explains the causes of asthma are unknown but may be linked with factors like: 

  • genetics
  • allergies
  • respiratory infections
  • exposure to pollutants  
  • obesity

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology explains that asthma may involve episodes of: 

  • wheezing
  • coughing
  • chest tightness
  • shortness of breath

These symptoms may range from mild to severe, and triggers may worsen them.

Asthma triggers differ from person to person but may include: 

  • Allergens: pollen, mold, dust mites, and pet dander
  • Viral and bacterial infections: colds, flu, and sinusitis
  • Exercise: physical activity, especially higher intensity
  • Poor air quality: smoke, occupational exposures, and air pollution
  • Weather: changes in weather or extreme weather conditions 
  • Stress and emotions: emotional stress and anxiety
  • Medications: aspirin, ibuprofen, and beta-blockers may be triggers for some people

Humidity is a known asthma trigger for many people, but it may not affect everyone who has the condition.

Does humidity help or worsen asthma?

Woman with asthma closing window to avoid humidity related allergens and triggers
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Research is still not clear on how exactly humidity affects asthma, though it looks like humidity worsens symptoms in many people.

One 2022 survey-based study that included more than 2,000 individuals noted that increased humidity made more people sensitive to dust mites, which then led to asthma symptoms. Humidity also allowed more dust mites to grow. 

A 2019 paper suggested that increased humidity before a thunderstorm increased the likelihood of many allergens in the air, like grass pollen and fungal spores. In turn, this led to more cases of thunderstorm-triggered asthma episodes. 

A 2023 review notes that humidity often increases the chance of developing allergies. The researchers suggested that this could be related to damaged mucus membranes in your airways. It could also be due to increased allergens like mites, pollen, and mold in the air. 

Lastly, a 2012 study indicated that breathing hot, humid air may narrow the airways in people with asthma, triggering episodes or worsening symptoms. 

These studies suggest that humidity can worsen asthma, but more research is needed to reach a definite conclusion. 

How to manage asthma in high humidity environments

Here are some tips to help manage asthma in humid weather: 

  • Manage indoor humidity: Use a dehumidifier for asthma to regulate indoor humidity levels. Some types of air conditioners can also dehumidify. According to a 2007 publication from the NHLBI, the best humidity level for asthma is 30–50%. This can lower the growth of dust mites and make it feel more comfortable to breathe. 
  • Keep your doors and windows closed: The NHLBI also suggests keeping doors and windows closed to avoid outdoor allergens like pollen from getting inside your home. 
  • Keep clean living spaces: Regularly clean your home to reduce allergens and irritants that can worsen asthma. For instance, regularly change your bedsheets and vacuum your mattress to reduce dust and dust mites. Keep bathrooms clean and dry to avoid mold. You can also buy specific dust mite-proof bedsheets. 
  • Stay hydrated: In high humidity, increased sweating may lead to fluid loss. According to a 2019 analysis, dehydration can worsen asthma symptoms, especially after physical activity.
  • Check air quality: Air purifiers for asthma can be worth adding to your home or office, as a 2021 study notes they can reduce the amount of allergens in the home. 
  • Follow your asthma management plan: Humidity asthma treatment includes having an asthma management plan in place, tailored to your needs. Healthcare professionals like respiratory physicians, allergists, or immunologists can help develop a personalized plan for managing asthma in high humidity environments.

Asthma treatment options

Even in dry, allergen-free environments, you may still need treatment for asthma. According to the NHLBI, a large range of options are available.

Here are some common ways to manage asthma: 

  • Quick-relief medications: Short-acting inhalers widen your airways to provide fast symptom relief for asthma episodes. They’re called short-acting beta-agonists and are not meant to be long-term treatments. They’re suitable only as a supplement when you need it.
  • Long-term management medications: These inhaled medications can help manage long-term asthma as they often include corticosteroids and long-acting beta-agonists.
  • Biologics: For severe asthma cases where typical treatments aren’t enough, biologics lower inflammation and ease asthma symptoms.
    • benralizumab (Fasenra) 
    • mepolizumab (Nucala)
    • omalizumab (Xolair)
  • Allergen immunotherapy: If allergies worsen your asthma, allergy shots may be an option.
  • Lifestyle management: Everyday management includes avoiding known triggers and following the instructions from your treating doctor.

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Research suggests that humidity worsens asthma symptoms by increasing allergens in the air and irritating the airways. Still, more research is needed to learn about the link between humidity and asthma. 

If you live somewhere humid, you can try using a dehumidifier, air purifier, or air conditioning to reduce the humidity and minimize allergens.

It’s also best to keep a clean environment without mold and dust. 

Many medications are available that can help manage your symptoms. To find out which options might suit your healthcare needs, you can consult a qualified professional like a respiratory physician, allergist, or immunologist.

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