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What you should know about pain control after surgery

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MedicationsNerve blocksPhysical therapyPersonalized treatment plan Summary
It can be beneficial to have a personalized treatment plan when managing pain after surgery. This could include over-the-counter medication, physical therapy, or nerve block injections.
Medically reviewed by Philip Ngo, PharmD
Written by Rashida Ruwa, RN
Updated on

Managing pain effectively after surgery is essential for a smooth recovery. It can be beneficial to create a personalized pain management plan with a healthcare professional. This can help ensure that your side effects are minimal and that you have access to pain control methods that meet your needs.

Various methods are available to manage pain after surgery, including medications and physical therapies, which aim to relieve pain, promote comfort, and support overall well-being during your recovery process.

Medication options for pain control

There are various classes of medications that doctors commonly prescribe to manage pain after surgery, including:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs are drugs that block the production of prostaglandins, which are substances that cause pain, inflammation, and fever. By preventing their production, NSAIDs can help reduce pain levels and decrease inflammation.

Doctors often prescribe NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) to manage mild to moderate pain after surgery.

NSAIDs like ibuprofen typically have a quick onset of action. However, individual responses to medications may vary. Possible side effects of NSAIDs may include:

  • stomach upset
  • increased risk of bleeding
  • allergic reactions
  • raised blood pressure levels

Healthcare professionals often recommend taking NSAIDs with food and avoiding taking them for an extended period. This is to reduce the possibility of these side effects.

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A healthcare professional may prescribe opioids, such as oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), and morphine (Kadian), to manage moderate to severe pain after surgery. Opioids work by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, which are involved in the perception of pain.

When opioids bind to these receptors, they reduce the transmission of pain signals in the nervous system. This leads to a decrease in the perceived intensity of pain. However, opioids can induce a sense of intense happiness (euphoria) and cause sedation. They can be habit-forming and carry a risk of addiction, respiratory depression, and constipation.

It is important to only take opioids under the close supervision of a healthcare professional and strictly follow the prescribed dosage and duration.

Local anesthetics

Local anesthetics, such as lidocaine (Xylocaine) and bupivacaine (Marcaine), are often used to manage pain that is in one particular area after surgery. They work by blocking the transmission of pain signals from nerve endings to the brain. A healthcare professional typically administers the medications locally, either via injection or as a topical gel or ointment, to numb the specific area where you need pain relief.

Local anesthetics work quickly, often within 30 minutes, and provide temporary pain relief without severe side effects. While local anesthetics are generally safe, they can cause some side effects, including:

  • temporary numbness or tingling
  • allergic reactions
  • toxicity (poisoning) if used incorrectly or in excessive amounts 

However, each person’s medication experience may differ based on factors such as age, weight, and medical history. This is why it can be important to talk with a healthcare professional about the best pain control options for your condition. 

Nerve blocks

Nerve blocks involve injecting medications near a specific nerve or group of nerves to treat acute pain. This localized approach helps to block the transmission of pain signals to the brain, ensuring pain control after surgery.

There are two main types of nerve blocks:

Nonsurgical nerve blocks: These include epidural nerve blocks that doctors often provide to a patient for pain control during childbirth or after certain surgeries.

Surgical nerve blocks: A common example includes a neurectomy. This is a surgical procedure involving the destruction of the peripheral nerve (located outside of your brain and spinal cord).

Nerve blocks are generally safe, but they may have some risks, such as nerve injury, bleeding, and infection. However, this is rare.

Physical therapy

After surgery, a structured physical therapy program can help relieve your pain by boosting circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing. Physical therapy techniques vary depending on the type of surgery and your needs.

The goals of physical therapy for pain after surgery include:

  • Managing pain: A healthcare professional may use various techniques to relieve pain, including manual therapy and therapeutic exercises. These interventions can help reduce pain and discomfort, allowing you to continue your daily activities comfortably.
  • Restoring mobility: Surgery can often result in stiffness and limited range of motion. A healthcare professional may use specific exercises and techniques to help restore joint mobility, improve flexibility, and help you regain movement.
  • Strengthening muscles: Strength exercises are an important part of physical therapy after surgery. By targeting specific muscle groups, a healthcare professional can help restore muscle strength and stability, which can help prevent future injury.
  • Promoting healing and preventing complications: A healthcare professional will educate and guide you on proper wound care, swelling management techniques, and exercises to improve circulation. These interventions can contribute to faster healing and reduce the chance of postoperative complications, such as pneumonia or blood clots.

Why is a personalized treatment plan important?

Person wrapping their hand in gauze to depict post-surgical care.
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A personalized treatment plan is important for pain control after surgery for several reasons, including:

  • Adjusted pain management: A personalized treatment plan considers your needs, preferences, and medical history. By adjusting the approach to pain control, healthcare professionals can select the most appropriate medications and interventions to manage postsurgery pain effectively.
  • Optimized pain relief: By personalizing the treatment plan, healthcare professionals can optimize your pain management techniques to help achieve more effective pain relief. This may involve a combination of medications, therapies, and interventions. 
  • Minimized side effects: People may respond differently to pain medications, and some may have specific allergies or sensitivities. With a personalized treatment plan, healthcare professionals can consider these factors and your specific circumstances, minimizing the risk of unwanted side effects while maximizing safety.
  • Collaborative approach: Effective communication with healthcare professionals can significantly improve pain control after surgery and improve your overall recovery experience. This is because it allows doctors to thoroughly understand your needs and allows you to be part of developing your personalized treatment plan. It also means your symptoms can be assessed continually and treatment can be adjusted to give you the best care.


Managing pain after surgery is important for a comfortable and successful recovery. Different methods, such as medications, nerve blocks, and physical therapy, can effectively offer pain control after surgery.

A personalized treatment plan adjusted to your needs will ensure the best pain relief while minimizing risks and side effects. Effective communication with healthcare professionals can provide additional support and guidance throughout the pain management process.

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